Majestic SEO Receives Funding
Cheers to my good friend Dixon Jones and the Majestic SEO team as I read that they just received a nice round of funding! Majestic...
Loren Baker is the Founder of SEJ, an Advisor at Alpha Brand Media and runs Foundation Digital, a digital marketing strategy & development agency.
Cheers to my good friend Dixon Jones and the Majestic SEO team as I read that they just received a nice round of funding! Majestic...
Yelp, the local business review community which made it to the cover of Inc Magazine this month AND turned down a Google acquisition in December,...
I really don’t interview that often, especially since things have been busy with the expansion of Search & Social, but wanted to share this really...
The disaster of the Haiti Earthquake has led to a worldwide relief effort which in the United States is being led my the American Red...
The earthquake in Haiti, which rocked the capital city of Port Au Prince over the week, has been devastating to the already impovershed country, its...
The San Diego based search marketing services and software firm, Covario, has acquired NetConcepts, the SEO agency which was founded by Stephen Spencer. Many in...
Every year as the holiday shopping season ramps up, people ask me the same question over and over again “What do you want for Christmas...
We are in the midst of the largest algorithmic changes to Google’s relevancy since the Florida Update of 2003, and perhaps even the largest change...
I was reading up on Google acquisitions yesterday and although Google’s acquisition this year is not as many as previous years, particularly 2006 and 2007,...
Today Google unveiled their new Real-time Search under the Latest Results box which is now another factor in Google “Universal” which entails web results, news...
Google will be opening up its Chrome Extensions Gallery to the public sometime in the next week according to two sources and TechCrunch, possibly during...
Cyber Monday, the unofficial start of the online holiday shopping season, starts tomorrow after a week of Thanksgiving and Black Friday shopping. Cyber Monday follows...
Online stores are probably raving right now with the current traffic spikes that their sites are getting this Thanksgiving week. According to Hitwise, online traffic...
Happy Thanksgiving Week to our American readers of Search Engine Journal. This week will be marked with stuffing ourselves on turkey & dressing, watching football,...
The Oxford English Dictionary has published its list of new words that have been added this year, with a major amount of them coming from...
On Tuesday I will be flying out to Las Vegas for my very first Pubcon! Sounds unbelievable right? Mr. Search Engine Journal has yet to...
When opening up my Chrome browser today a pleasant smile wrapped around my face as I was instantly reminded of several of my childhood friends...
At the end of 2009 Yahoo will no longer be offering the paid inclusion advertising program. This unexpected move from Yahoo comes as a shock...
Dave Harry (aka. theGypsy) has put together a great and hilarious collection of comic book hero renderings of some of his friends in the search...
Here’s a close looking into knowing how the upcoming Google Chrome OS will behave, specifically how the Chrome browser will look like on Chrome OS....
Google continues experimenting with its logo by changing it to commemorate what it deems as significant events in history. Last week, Google logo paid homage...
Feel the urge to surf the Google Wave to the extent that you’d be willing to spend as much as $157 to get an invite?...
By now around 100,000 beta testers are probably busy playing around with Google’s highly anticipated online communication and sharing venture Google Wave, which Google described...
To separate online content from product listings that are being submitted to its Google Base product, Google has split Base it into two components, creating...
We just received an email from Jeff Behrendt at the Aviva Directory (one of my favorites) stating that the current 40% off deal that Aviva...
Google introduced a new logo today to celebrate its 11th birthday since the company was first started back in 1998 by two Stanford students. In...
Did you really think that Microsoft would just roll over and take Google’s ‘effort’ to make Internet Explorer adopt to the changing web technology by...
I’ve been visiting Flickr for the past couple of days but I never really noticed that the site logo has already been changed. It now...
There is yet another sign that things are getting better in the global tech economy, especially with American companies like Google and Yahoo, with the...
Almost everyone has heard of writer’s block, but what about linking block? Almost every linkbuilder has been there. After 6 months of acquiring links for...