Matt Leonard



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Matt Leonard currently directs SEO, SEM and Revenue Management for Cruise Critic, the world’s largest cruise site and part of the Trip Advisor Media Group. You can follow Matt Leonard on Twitter to keep up with his updates. Feel free to ask about his latest charity project, ‘Tweet for the Cure’, to benefit Susan G. Komen for the Cure. The opinions expressed are that of Matt Leonard and not necessarily those of Expedia, Trip Advisor or Cruise Critic.


So, you can audit a site. I’ll bet you have a methodology in place to do it a thousand times over. You probably do it...

  • 4 min read
  • 1.5K Reads

Most of us see the same tweets, read the same blogs and know the same case studies. We know to optimize titles and anchor text,...

  • 6 min read
  • 5.1K Reads