Google: Expect “Extreme” Ranking Fluctuations When Publishing New Content
Google’s John Mueller stated this week that “extreme” ranking fluctuations may occur after publishing new content.
Matt G. Southern, Senior News Writer, has been with Search Engine Journal since 2013. With a bachelor’s degree in communications, Matt specializes in gathering details, checking facts, and making complex subjects easy to understand. In addition to writing articles, Matt oversees strategy development for SEJ’s news department.
Google’s John Mueller stated this week that “extreme” ranking fluctuations may occur after publishing new content.
Snapchat is now letting marketers purchase Story Ads, formerly known as Promoted Stories, through its self-serve ads manager.
Instagram is expanding its offensive comment filter, introduced last year, to include comments aimed at bullying others.
Now available for iOS and Android, the app will help businesses conveniently review their key metrics in a mobile interface.
Google has introduced a new ad type designed to capitalize on the growing trend of people watching YouTube on TVs.
For the first time, Google is letting agencies register accounts on Google My Business.
Google is letting anyone register domains ending in .app, a top-level domain that has been exclusive to Google since 2015.
Twitter is going to start displaying more links shared by those in your network in the home timeline.
Google has updated its guidelines for publishing job openings that have been marked up with job posting structured data.
Google has started sending emails to notify webmasters that their site has been migrated to mobile-first indexing.
Instagram appears to be testing several new features, which have been uncovered by digging through the app’s code.
Snapchat has introduced a new set of lenses, called “Snappables,” which will let users play AR games with their contacts.
Instagram rolled out an update allowing users to upload multiple photos and videos to their stories at the same time.
Instagram now has a tool that will users download a copy of everything they’ve shared to the network.
Google wants to change how people discover audio content in search results.
With an update to Snapchat’s Lens Studio, anyone can now create custom augmented reality (AR) face lenses.
Pinterest is making several changes to the appearance of business profiles, including the addition of a monthly viewer statistic.
Google is expanding its policies on autocomplete predictions to prevent even more types of queries from showing up.
Search marketing software company SEMRush has raised $40 million to grow its operations, which marks its first-ever round of funding.
Google confirmed that another broad core algorithm update was rolled out this week.
Snapchat is letting advertisers sell products with custom AR lenses, which users can add to selfie photos and videos.
Google’s latest version of Chrome for desktop will disable most videos with sound from playing automatically.
Google Maps is testing a feature which gives drivers turn-by-turn directions using fast food restaurants as landmarks.
Google AdWords has introduced a new video format which is said to extend the reach of video campaigns beyond YouTube.
Google is returning more direct answers in search results, with 10% of mobile SERPs now containing a direct answer box.
Google has reversed its decision to ban ads for addiction treatment centers after introducing a stricter vetting process.
Google has updated its guidelines warning users that failure to remove expired job postings may result in a manual penalty.
Google’s voice search button on Android is being replaced with Google Assistant.
A feature has been spotted in Google Maps that appears to show the app highlighting public events that are ongoing.
Google’s research division has released a tool which shows off advancements the company has made toward understanding natural language.