Google To Shut Down Its First Social Network, Orkut
It was announced today that Google intends to shut down its very first social network, Orkut. As of September 30, 2014, Orkut will no longer...
Matt G. Southern, Senior News Writer, has been with Search Engine Journal since 2013. With a bachelor’s degree in communications, Matt specializes in gathering details, checking facts, and making complex subjects easy to understand. In addition to writing articles, Matt oversees strategy development for SEJ’s news department.
It was announced today that Google intends to shut down its very first social network, Orkut. As of September 30, 2014, Orkut will no longer...
Today, Twitter announced that they’re going to begin offering mobile app promotion to all advertisers after seeing strong results during a beta test earlier this...
This week, Facebook announced two new advertising enhancements that designed to make remarketing on Facebook even more effective. The enhancements include the introduction of multi-product...
Google recently announced, via the Official Google Search blog, that Android users will now be able to conduct a voice search using the “Ok Google”...
Buffer, the makers of the popular social media scheduling tool of the same name, launched a new iOS app called Daily. When I got the...
Despite your best efforts to define the title tags for your web pages, Bing may take it upon themselves to serve a different title in...
When Panda 4.0 was rolled out last month, press release sites were hit particularly hard. PR Newswire lost around 63% of their SEO visibility as a...
The Google Authorship pictures that we’ve grown accustomed to seeing in search results are about to go away. Google’s John Mueller detailed this change in...
Facebook announced on their Facebook For Businesss blog that they have released an updated version the Pages Manager application for iOS and Android. Facebook Page...
It’s 2014, and 55% of small businesses still don’t have a website, according to research conducted by Google. As a result, Google has begun exploring...
First, Google introduced the Google Glass Titanium Collection. Then they teamed up with the makers of Ray Ban and Oakley to add more style to...
Twice as many watch videos on Facebook now compared to six months ago, Facebook executives said in an announcement today, which is why there’s about to...
The Verge reports that Snapchat’s most popular feature is no longer self-destructing, private snapshots. On the contrary, its most popular feature is actually the most...
Google announced yesterday, via the Inside AdWords blog, that they have issued an update to the Google Shopping Products Feed Specification. This update is designed...
Today, Google announced a change they have introduced to the mobile search experience on Android devices in the US. Starting today, when you search for musicians...
Today, LinkedIn released a new app called LinkedIn Job Search which is now available on iOS in the US. Using the new app, users can...
Twitter made an announcement today that many of us have all been waiting for: You can now share and view animated GIFs on and...
Today, Facebook released the results of a study commissioned by the company that analyzes the effects of Facebook ads on paid search campaigns. The study...
A word of warning to content marketers out there: if you make a contribution to Wikipedia on behalf of a client or employer, a new...
Last month we reported that Facebook was said to be working on photo and video messaging app that will be a direct competitor to the wildly...
Torrentfreak reported yesterday that WordPress has issued a lawsuit demanding $10,000 in compensation to cover damages suffered through a false DMCA (Digital Millennium Copyright Act) takedown notice. WordPress...
Microsoft and Google don’t have the best history of getting along. Case in point: Microsoft’s ‘Scroogled’ campaign, and Google’s refusal to support Microsoft platforms. The...
Pinterest has been gathering feedback from users since launching Place Pins a little over six months ago. Place Pins are geo-tagged pins that users can...
This is a session recap from Marcus Tober’s presentation on “The Search (R)evolution” from our June 13 San Francisco conference, “SEO, Content Marketing and Analytics:...
In an announcement made today, Facebook is taking a cue from its users and taking two major steps to make ads better. In the first...
Matt Cutts, Google’s head of search spam, recently announced at SMX Advanced in Seattle that the third iteration of its Payday loan algorithm would be...
Twitter took its desktop Twitter client, TweetDeck, offline today following what is reported to be a massive security breach. We’ve temporarily taken TweetDeck services down...
Fabrice Canel, Principal Program Manager at Bing, updated the Bing Webmaster Blog this week with six tips for sitemaps, including some advice specifically for large...
In April we reported that Pinterest will be bringing a new feature called Guided Search to its mobile apps, designed to help users find things...
The Guardian reports today that Google is considering letting users know in the search results pages when search results have been removed due to the...