Google Advises About Spammy Backlinks
Google’s John Mueller answers the question about what to do about random spam links.
I have 25 years hands-on experience in SEO, evolving along with the search engines by keeping up with the latest research, patents and what’s happening in the search results.
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I recently presented at Pubcon Vegas in October and March 2024, and over the past 20 years have presented at search conferences across the United States: Pubcon, SMX, Affiliate Summit & SES (Search Engine Strategies) and have served as a Head Judge at the U.S. Search Awards .
Google’s John Mueller answers the question about what to do about random spam links.
SEO community notices huge amount of Mobile First Index inclusion emails from Google. What it means and if an update is coming.
While not new, Amazon’s oneTag is worth looking into if you are an Amazon affiliate publisher.
7 tips for integrating and optimizing images to help your SEO strategy.
Google’s John Mueller offers insights into the kinds of sites that impress search engineers.
Charity sponsored links sometimes are considered spam, while other times they’re fine. What’s the difference? Google’s John Mueller explains.
A new speed analysis of top content management systems finds Wix dead last, though it performs better in other areas.
Google notes how poor user experience issues can subvert well executed technical SEO.
Chrome will answer questions in address bar without showing SERPs.
Google’s John Mueller answered a question about what changed in Google’s algorithm update.
Google answers if updating internal anchor text will negatively affect rankings. Then discusses using images.
AdSense requested feedback from publishers. Are these issues affecting your AdSense earnings?
President Donald Trump has threatened to regulate Google search. Here’s how the SEO community responded.
Google’s John Mueller discussed why Google showed different results for the singular and plural versions of the same keyword phrase. Many SEOs recommend adding synonyms...
Google updated it’s Developers Page for Structured Data. Update affects articles, including recipe sites, blogs and news.
Rankings are different between Google desktop search and YouTube search. Here are possible reasons to explain that difference.
Read about a proposed connection between user experience and Google’s August Core Algorithm Update.
Google research and white papers show how site design inspires trust. Does your page design inspire trust?
Facebook challenges Google Local with a set of changes to Business Pages.
Recommendations based on Google’s raters guidelines for evaluating a drop in rankings
Google offers guidance that Quality Raters Guidelines is key to ranking better in Broad Core Update.
Google’s Featured Snippets expands the Google Suggest functions. Impacts how users navigate to websites.
Google confirms a major update and offers official guidance. Information and facts as to what is happening.
Google’s John Mueller offered detailed explanation about Penalties and how to recover.
A look at the Reduced Link Graph and how it can affect ranking
Google makes it easier to drive more sales to almost all local businesses.
Bing posts details on how a niche search works. Learn insights into how Bing works.
How this impacts news sites today and may affect more sites in the future.
Research shows podcast revenues soaring and going higher. Time to get a slice of this pie?
How to put the shine back into the content crown and improve organic ranking.