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Introducing BOSS: The Best of SEJ Summit

Introducing BOSS: The Best of SEJ Summit

“When is SEJ Summit 2018?”

We’ve been hearing this question a lot over the past few months.

Potential speakers and attendees all want to know.

After all, our conference series has been growing in popularity every year since it launched in 2015.

Last year’s show, SEJ Summit Chicago, was our largest and most successful event to date.

Well – despite all of our successes, we’ve decided to forego a conference this year.

However, the Search Engine Journal team remains as committed as ever to providing quality education to SEO professionals and digital marketers, whether we do it in person or virtually.

So, with that in mind, we’re excited to announce some big news:

The launch of Best of SEJ Summit, or BOSS for short.

What Is Best of SEJ Summit?

BOSS is a new monthly series of free webinars we’ll be producing and running throughout 2018.

We will approach BOSS in the same way as we have approached every SEJ Summit.

We promise you’ll get:

  • 100 percent original presentations.
  • Actionable, impactful, and memorable advice.
  • No fluff.

We’re excited to announce that our first webinar on March 28 will feature Duane Forrester, VP, industry insights at Yext.

Forrester will share insights on one of the hottest topics at the moment: the future of voice search.

Register now so you don’t miss out.

We’ve also confirmed the following speakers for upcoming months:

  • Bill Hunt
  • Motoko Hunt
  • Larry Kim
  • Purna Virji

We’ve invited back only the best of the best speakers from our past SEJ Summits.

Even more great speakers will be announced soon, so stay tuned!

So Really… Why No SEJ Summit?

We love doing SEJ Summit.

Each event is a one-of-a-kind experience.

But putting together a conference is a lot of work with a lot of risks involved.

And we’re a small team.

Ultimately, it came down to a choice.

We could either focus heavily on improving the quality of the content you read, watch, and listen to here on Search Engine Journal every day.

Or we could take resources away from our content to focus on putting on a great conference.

Ultimately, we made the hard decision to not host an in-person event and instead focus on the content that we deliver to you, our loyal readers, on a daily basis.

This year, anyway.

Will SEJ Summit Return in 2019?

That’s our plan.

This year, we celebrate the past success of SEJ Summit – by bringing back an amazing lineup of A-list speakers from our past events.

But these great speakers will be talking about all the things you need to know today.

You will learn the latest strategies, tips, and trends in SEO, PPC, and digital marketing from these all new and original presentations.

Next year, we’ll celebrate the future of SEJ Summit.

Together, we’ll build on what has already been an amazing journey.

So get ready.

In the meantime: learn more about BOSS.

Want to sponsor BOSS? For more information, please email Jessica Cromwell: jessica at alphabrandmedia.com.

Category Careers News
Danny Goodwin Former Executive Editor at Search Engine Journal

Danny Goodwin is the former Executive Editor of Search Engine Journal. He formerly was managing editor of Momentology and editor ...