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Bing Becomes the No. 2 Search Engine for a Day

Bing Becomes the No. 2 Search Engine for a Day

If this is any indication of the trend to come in the search engine market, it looks like Yahoo might be in serious trouble while Google may be slightly threaten. Bing is still in preview mode and yet it has made a significant impact in the search market trend already, even if it was only for one day.globalstatcounter

Data from StatCounter Global Stats showed that Bing has grabbed the second spot in search market share in both the U.S. and worldwide.

According to the StatCounter data analysis for search market share on June 4, Bing managed to get 16.8% share while Yahoo who remained at its average market share posted 10.22%. Google which remained at the number one spot posted a 71.47 share.  This is bad news for Yahoo although Bing didn’t manage to snag some of its share but got it from Google instead.

Globally, Bing slightly edged out Yahoo with 5.62% and 5.13% market share respectively. Google retain its share with 87.62% share.

Although the data was only for a day, still it is significant enough as it is very rare that this things happen when it comes to search engine rankings.  Microsoft’s Steve Ballmer can already deduct one day from the five year time period that he set as Bing’s target date to become the second biggest search engine.  And Ballmer better hope that Bing would sustain this market share for a month.  The good thing is that Bing is still in preview mode and yet it is already creating a mark.

It may still be too early to tell whether Bing could permanently overtake Yahoo. But the Yahoo search work better do something drastic to outwit Bing.

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Arnold Zafra iPad News

Arnold Zafra writes daily on the announcements by Google, Ask.com, Yahoo & MSN along with how these announcements effect web ...