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Bing Mobile Looks and Feels Like Google Mobile Search, Almost

Bing Mobile Looks and Feels Like Google Mobile Search, Almost

Microsoft’s Bing search engine is starting to make waves as more people are trying it out.  But before we forget, aside from web version of Bing Search, Microsoft is also launching a mobile version of Bing. In fact, Bing mobile search has just gone public and you can visit the site by pointing your mobile phone’s browser to http://m.bing.com.I tried using Bing mobile using my iPhone and I would have to say that it loads fast and the main search page is sleek and clean, although I can’t help notice it’s striking resemblance to Google Mobile Search. In fact, it’s even cleaner than Google Mobile Search.

Comparing Google Mobile Search Results for “search engine journal” against the Bing SERP however yield two different first results. Google Mobile is more accurate by virtue of the fact that is displayed SEJ’s main page as the first result while Bing displayed a specific SEJ page.

Like Google Mobile Search, Bing Mobile also displays various vertical search areas including images and news streams. Although generally Google Mobile Search is more organized when presenting these vertical search areas, displaying them on top of the page. For navigation purposes, Google Mobile Search beats Bing on this one.

Overall though, Bing Mobile Search is a tough competitor for Google Mobile Search. Finally, Microsoft has done something right to a product that is a direct competitor to one of Google’s own.

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Arnold Zafra iPad News

Arnold Zafra writes daily on the announcements by Google, Ask.com, Yahoo & MSN along with how these announcements effect web ...