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Blog Post Recycling – Get it Done Right!

Blog Post Recycling – Get it Done Right!

When you start to become a power blogger over time you will realize that some of your blog posts have a tremendous amount of web traction and others simply don’t. You will also realize that eventually at some point you will want to push your blog posts out a bit further too really increase your potential visitors and also your website link building efforts. Some of your blog posts most likely hit upon some amazing topics in your industry that others can really use so why not spread the love a bit further to really hit your audience.

If you teach your community what you know and understand over time you can really position yourself as an authority figure in your industry. First you have to put yourself in the mind set of recycling old material so you can simplify your efforts as much as possible.

Recycling blog post content is a perfectly fine effort as long as you do it tastefully and don’t spam the search engines. Paying a writer to rewrite 500 versions of a blog post is not a tasteful approach and could hurt you in the long run of marketing yourself or your business.

You are going to want to take some of your most important or trafficked blog posts to reformat and rewrite so they are completely unique with new body and title. You don’t want to duplicate the content exactly but rather make it so the search engines view it as something completely new and different. The article should not be centered on your business and should stay purely information based.

Here are some effective ways to recycle your old blog posts:

Article Directories:

Rewrite your blog posts so they are at least 500 words long and add to the meatiness of the argument and re-submit them to your favorite article directories. There is no shortage of article directories out there so pick some of your favorites.

EzineArticles.com is one of my favorites but you can really pick your own. Article directories have been around for a great deal of time and there are some out there that are very good. However, there are also some out there that are very spammy so be careful which article directories you end up submitting your articles into so that the search engines don’t look at you in a whole new negative light.

Document Sharing Sites:

Document sharing websites (such as Slideshare.net or Docstoc.com ) have become a very important part of spreading any business message. People patrol those websites to find good credible sources that can help them really educate themselves on a variety of different topics. The great thing about the document sharing websites is that they can be used as widgets on other people’s websites which they often do.


If you write blog posts 2 or 3 times per/week and you don’t recycle those into a newsletter you are missing out on a huge potential. Some of the cloud based email marketing software programs, such as Constant Contact now index newsletters right into the search engines.

Many have the ability to drop the newsletter into social media networks and even directly into search results so you now have another possibility for others to bump into your material. Set up a regularly scheduled newsletter that goes out once per/week and use your old blog posts to construct it.

In today’s internet marketing world you could easily find yourself occupying a majority of your day with a variety of marketing efforts for your business. At some point it is important to really become efficient with your efforts and stretching some of your writing abilities will simply be a must. Writing can get very time consuming but if you play your cards right you can really take a well written blog post and stretch it out quite far. The bottom line is get your blog post recycling done the right way!

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Nick Stamoulis Brick Marketing

Nick Stamoulis is the President of Brick Marketing, a full service Boston SEO firm. With nearly 13 years of experience ...