Buying and Selling Sites : Link Building Strategy
I think probably 30 or 40 sites mentioned when I bought Threadwatch. Some of them linked through to both sites, and many mentioned me in a good light, saying things like “of seo book fame” and whatnot.
Andy Hagans got a few links to his poker blog by mentioning that he bought it and for how much.
Recently Mick Sawyer posted a for sale ad for his black hat forums on Sitepoint. I don’t think he was looking to actually sell the site, but just wanted to place a $10 ad while his site still had good mindshare from other recent mainstream media coverage.
Three downsides to placing legit public for sale ads are
* Some sites are harder to monetize under new ownership.
* If it is a community site some community members may be less interested in the community if they think of their content being sold to another owner.
* You let competitors know your market share data or profitability more than you may wish to.
Aaron Wall, Search Marketing / SEO Coverage and Rants – Aaron Wall is one of the most vocal search engine marketers in the business and he has channeled his thoughts and expertise into his widely popular eBook, SEObook.