We see this happen with more amateurish ad campaigns, but seriously, the ad agency and web developers running this campaign for Canada Revenue Agency should know better. The page you send visitors to from Hockey Night in Canada ads and from your website needs to EXIST.
The page is supposed to be at www.canada.gc.ca/taxinfo . Oopsies!
www.canada.gc.ca/taxinfo returns a 404 Not Found error.
If you look at the last paragraph of text in this next screenshot, you’ll see that it directs people to that URL. I tried to find the video ads online to embed, but they don’t appear to be online.
The official press release and video ads on CBC direct Canadians to that URL.
For those of you not interested in this bit on the broken ad campaign, the information you probably want is at http://www.cra-arc.gc.ca/menu-eng.html which is the official Canada Revenue Agency website – e.g. the tax branch of our government.
[Note, at the time of printing the 404 error was being served. Currently in the US, I am receiving a readable webpage – Loren]