Everything you need to know about pay-per-click (PPC) marketing, including guides, trends, and news and updates about Google Ads, Microsoft Advertising, and paid search platforms.
Everything you need to know about pay-per-click (PPC) marketing, including guides, trends, and news and updates about Google Ads, Microsoft Advertising, and paid search platforms.
Google Ads has rolled outTarget Impression Share, which automatically sets bids according to where the ad will show up.
Google Ads is letting advertisers run an experimental ad format specifically for promoting Black Friday and Cyber Monday deals.
Find out how you can integrate targeted automobile advertising with your PPC strategy to maximize ROI.
Google Ads has created a new workflow that informs advertisers of the ideal campaign types for specific business goals.
Use this Bing Ads script to calculate your account quality score and see how it progresses over time.
Bing Ads is giving advertisers the ability to set their own specific targets and track progress toward those targets.
Google Ads is rolling out new metrics providing better insight into where ads appear on the search results page.
In-market audiences are a game-changing PPC feature, with some impressive results. Should it be part of your strategy?
Bing Ads advertisers can now create insertion orders that automatically renew after a set period of time.
Google Ads advertisers who measure store visits can now utilize a “New vs Returning” segmentation.
Google rolled out new features to the Ad Preview and Diagnosis tool, providing more insight into who’s seeing specific ads.
Bing introduced a series of enhancements to product ads and shopping campaigns just in time for the busy holiday season.
Google has announced a series of improvements to its advertising solutions ahead of the holiday season.
Bing Ads releases LinkedIn Profile Targeting for text ads, shopping campaigns, and Dynamic search ads.
A new local search study finds Google’s Local Services ads account for 13.8% of all SERP clicks.
Google is adding two new predefined landing page reports to the Report Editor.
Bing Ads has updated its conversion tracking and will now count conversions based on the time of the ad click.
Here’s how you can boost the quality of your keywords, ads, and landing pages for a higher score.
Google has released a new version of Shopping Insights designed to help advertisers uncover information about popular brands and products.
Google has been spotted displaying ads in Google Discover.
With all the Google Ads metrics available, how do you know what matters and where to start? Find out here.
Find out if negative keywords are limiting the conversions in your Google Ads account with this free script.
Discover how a PPC yield management program can garner stronger returns on your PPC advertising efforts.
Bing Ads Editor has been updated with support for in-market audiences.
Google has started recording a “small percentage” of calls that are initiated by call-only ads or call extensions.
Keep in mind these dos and don’ts when creating your PPC landing page.
Consider these key areas to ensure that everything is in place before launching your PPC campaign.
Bing Ads has expanded its support for language targeting with the ability to target multiple languages at the campaign level.
Do these five simple things to better coordinate your paid media efforts across multiple channels.
Google is making it possible for advertisers to copy column preferences from the classic Google Ads to the new version.
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