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Your source for all things search engine optimization (SEO), including breaking news, algorithm updates, guides, strategies, tactics, tips, trends, tools, and more!
Your source for all things search engine optimization (SEO), including breaking news, algorithm updates, guides, strategies, tactics, tips, trends, tools, and more!
Making the most of Magento means knowing how to optimize your e-commerce site properly for search engines. This article deals with duplicate content concerns in...
Check out takeaways from PeepCon 2015, held on March 28th at The Heritage Hotel Manila!
A small business owner’s step-by-step guide to preparing for Google’s upcoming mobile-friendly algorithm update.
Almost 68% of online shopping carts are abandoned on e-commerce sites, on average.
How responsive design, reviews & ratings, social engagement, HTTPS, and intelligent use of images can push up your search rankings on Google SERPs.
Images drive traffic, backlinks and a whole lot more. It’ll be a game changer for your SEO strategy in 2015 and beyond.
On Wednesday, March 18th, the #SEJThinkTank gathered to hear a presentation by Slobodan Manic, CTO of Search Engine Journal, covering Google Analytics Tips for Web...
All unnatural link warnings can be fixed. But before this can be done you need to properly understand the difference between them in order to...
We analyzed 160k keywords across 400 websites to collate this data.
Hacker News reports that a vulnerability affecting millions of users has been found in industry leading WordPress plugin SEO by Yoast. According to an advisory,...
Google’s ease of use and convenience of relevant answers extends not just to queries, but also to products and services we look to buy. Whenever a...
New research from Conductor offers interesting insight when it comes to the SEO salary landscape. This new research follows up their 2012 SEO jobs and...
The localization of search engines is just a continued evolution of what Google is trying to do the most – creating the best value to...
Most people would acknowledge that the contents of your site will play a major role in determining your SEO strategy. Few marketers or SEOs would...
Apps have been around for much longer than most of us realize. The first apps made their appearance in the 1990’s via PDAs like the...
Baidu is listed at #22 which puts it ahead of many of the world’s most popular sites, including (24) (25), and even Pinterest...
To most webmasters, their site is like their baby. It’s the most beautiful and perfect thing in the whole wide world. The fact is, people...
I recently wrote about how to statistically model any given set of search results, which I hope gives marketing professionals a glimpse into how rapidly...
Learn how Google rankings change based on location, how Google Knowledge Graph impacts rankings, and how to optimize your business.
I recently had the opportunity to interview Morgan Brown, the Head of Growth at TrueVault and Qualaroo and a speaker at the upcoming SEJ Summit in Santa Monica on February 24th. The...
Since the European Search Awards is quickly approach, I sought out the expertise of returning judge Gianluca Fiorelli to learn more about the judging process and to discuss...
If you’ve ever used the tool SEMRush before, you’ve likely noticed how it assigns a dollar amount to your organic traffic. This value is based...
When done correctly, press outrearch can reward you with referral traffic, leads, sales, revenue and earned links.
As many e-commerce, local, and even enterprise companies know, online reviews can make or break a business. The infographic below describes some of the trends...
Our expert panel evaluates the SEO, UX, content, and load time of sites submitted from our audience.
Brands are like people: both have a physical structure, a name, a personality, and a reputation. Both can be respected or even loved, liked, and...
Visit our Marketing Nerds archive to listen to other Marketing Nerds podcasts! Joe Hall, Founder of, is the featured guest on Marketing Nerds this week. Joe...
If at one point you’ve bought links, hired an SEO agency, or received a sudden decrease in website traffic, then this blog post is for...
Throughout 2014 (and the decade prior), Google hasn’t been shy about telling people what its algorithms are looking for. Initially, algorithms targeted spammy backlinks, keyword...
“Movement is life.” In the movie World War Z, those were the words Brad Pitt’s character spoke to a family who opted to barricade themselves...
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