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Your source for all things search engine optimization (SEO), including breaking news, algorithm updates, guides, strategies, tactics, tips, trends, tools, and more!
Every month I like to take a moment to recognize the top authors and posts for the previous month. June went by so fast. Hopefully...
The online marketing world is a wonderfully vibrant and innovative space. Ideas and innovations bubble up constantly and are accepted or rejected as companies’ online...
A month after Penguin 2.0 was released, the dust is settling and most people are eager to know: What exactly is Penguin 2.0 filtering? How...
We have known about this day for quite some time. On this day, July 1st, Google officially shut down the Google Reader service. Some haven’t...
Somebody said “what is permanent is change”, and yes, “change” indeed is permanent and it is equally true for the SEO techniques. If you’re still...
July 1st is a special day for our Canada readers. For those who aren’t from Canada, I wanted to not only wish them a Happy Canada...
What is happening with local SEO? Local SEO—or LSEO as I like to call it—is evolving quickly. For instance, Google recently began the process of...
Are you a non-profit organization that complies with Google’s grant minimum requirement for your country? Then this post could be of great interest for you....
It seems that everyone and everything has gone social these days, even Google analytics. In a recent announcement Google let us analytic enthusiasts know that we will...
image credit: Shutterstock Rel=author has been a success, hasn’t it? Not only is it easy to set up, but users have also seen a higher...
On July 1, Google Reader will join a long list of discontinued Google products and services, a list that includes social media services like...
“Stop writing about everything. So many brands create content and try to cover everything, instead of focusing on the core niche that they can position...
We all know that clients want to see swift, measurable results, and that they’re likely to drop you if they don’t see something within half...
image credit: Shutterstock Google has been a lot of fun lately! Earlier this week they launched dynamic remarketing and now they’ve added remarketing lists for...
It’s no secret that SEO is not easy (and it’s not cheap). It takes a ton of effort to earn that top spot on a...
Natural Google traffic makes up half of the traffic on the web. The runner up, direct traffic, doesn’t even come close, taking up only a...
image credit: ShutterStock You need to market your business online, and search engine advertising is one of the easiest and most powerful ways to do...
Re-targeting campaigns is very trendy among PPC marketers right now. Maybe you’ve been one of Google’s competitors: Mediaforge, Adroll, or Retargeter . Today Google decided that...
We love SEO. We love the fact that it brings cumulative results instead of temporary ones. We love that it makes consumers feel like they...
It is wiser for small and midsize businesses to have a website and use digital marketing as a mean of gaining visibility in the eye...
Last week I spoke about Blogging and SEO at Forumcon and had the opportunity to meet, a Facebook and SEO expert. This week in search...
I’m in the San Francisco Bay area and love seeing hot startups launch cool products. One of those cool products that I saw launch this...
Google Reader is a deadman walking, and there are all kinds of buzzards circling around in the quest to replace Google Reader and take over...
Link building is a critical part of any search engine optimization effort, but sometimes the manual methodologies get old. The good news is, you can...
There are a lot of different theories on how keyword match types are best implemented to give you the biggest bang for your buck. For...
When I heard the news, I wasn’t one bit surprised. Facebook advertising is not only a strategy that I love, but it’s a cakewalk when...
When it comes to content, you always have to worry about something being time sensitive. Writing evergreen content, or content that will remain significant throughout...
D! The Broadcast, a live Dallas morning show along with Advice Interactive Group, a Dallas-based Internet Marketing agency, asked SEJ’s editor John Rampton to walk...
image credit: ShutterStock The other day I dropped by a small tea stall near my house and one of my friends jokingly said to the...
As a Bing Ads product manager specializing in campaign optimization, I often get asked the differences between Quality Score on Bing Ads and AdWords. In order...