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Your source for all things search engine optimization (SEO), including breaking news, algorithm updates, guides, strategies, tactics, tips, trends, tools, and more!
With growth comes change… usually for the better too. LinkedIn has helped many SEO’s get good paying jobs over the previous years. Today they are helping everyone...
In a perfect world, building search engine referral traffic would be easy. You’d pull out your limitless marketing budget checkbook, call up the industry’s most...
You have a new e-commerce site, where do you begin? Here a few ideas to help get the ball rolling for you when it comes time to...
As the search engines change, the amount of effort required to build a resilient and worthwhile link increases. It’s becoming difficult enough that some are...
As if getting your emails through to subscribers was not already challenging enough, email service providers are making the job of email marketers even harder....
In late 2012, Internet marketing tools platform Raven Tools raised eyebrows in the SEO world when the company’s CEO announced that Raven would remove “all...
Updated (see below) I’m always following SEPS’s and big companies out there getting slapped by Penguin and Panda updates. Matt Cutts talked last week about...
This article provides a definitive look at the deals Google, Bing and Yahoo! have in place with software and hardware companies and service providers listing...
The Chinese economy stands as the second largest in the world, behind the USA. Much of the world’s manufacturing is Chinese, and there is a...
If you read a blog post about link building recently, the odds are pretty good you’ve read about content marketing, info-graphics, or RCS. These are all great....
The US Department of Justice officially indicted Reuters Editor, Matthew Keys, late last week on 3 counts of conspiracy relating to a 2010 Anonymous hack...
On January 24th 2012, the world’s fastest growing social media platform, Twitter, released a new mobile application that allows for the transference of short, precise...
While the publishing industry is not going to die anytime soon, the ability to self publish books is quickly becoming a disruptive force that is...
Mobile is taking the world by storm, and far be it from Google to be left behind! The search giant is tackling mobile from (almost)...
Here’s the SEJ posts that brought in the most traffic last month. We thank our hardworking guest writers for their contributions! #1. 6 Free Google...
Yesterday Facebook posted another major announcement to its blog. The long tested redesign of Timeline is beginning to roll out. The new look of Timeline...
Let it never be said that Google will not give every ounce of effort to beat out the competition when it comes to the field...
Penguins and Pandas abound, and SEO has changed forever. Consultants everywhere debate just how many SEO tactics will become outdated in the years ahead, but...
SMX West is in its final day and it’s been a great three days of sessions. Today’s panel, What’s Needed for SEO Success in 2013 and...
We’re here live at SMX West with Microsoft’s David Pann. David is the General Manager for the Search Network at Microsoft Corporation and on stage answering...
We recently talked about how link building is anything but a cookie cutter process. Response was mostly positive, but a few of you have correctly...
There is a good chance that you’ve already heard about all of the drama recently with Google slapping all the search rankings away from Interflora,...
Late last night Matt Cutts was on stage at SMX talking about Penguin and Panda updates. When asked about Panda updates and when will be...
Starting today, marketers with business accounts on Pinterest now have a tool for tracking basic web traffic between their verified website and Pinterest. Pinterest Web...
Today Matt Cutts is on stage at SMX West. We’re live blogging here as Matt Cutts teach us with dealing with tough calls in organic...
How Is Your Search Engine Handling Synonyms? I started by Googling ‘funny pets’, and Google came up with a number of highly relevant results. I...
Last Thursday, Mark Zuckerberg hosted another big press event at the Palo Alto headquarters of Facebook to introduce the new look of the News Feed....
Ever since Google announced that it won’t be releasing search data for people logged into Google and instead offing “not provided” we’ve been waiting for...
Ever since the invitation went out from Facebook to “Come See a New Look for News Feed,” many have been speculating what that might be....
Running a successful campaign on Facebook employs many different tools and techniques. You can read about what makes a successful campaign here, but there are...