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Your source for all things search engine optimization (SEO), including breaking news, algorithm updates, guides, strategies, tactics, tips, trends, tools, and more!
In Geno Prussakov’s most recent book, “Affiliate Program Management: An Hour a Day”, the author speaks authoritatively on affiliate marketing management, from planning to optimizing...
Do a Google search for SEO Firm. SEO Professional. Local SEO Firm. SEO service. Look at those search results. Crazy competition out there. The good...
Judging by the new faces that have started to work at Twitter this week, there is a possibility that the microblogging site may be setting...
I have some excellent webinars coming up for you this week. So make sure to register. Even though I’m always on the lookout for webinars,...
According to YouGov BrandIndex, Microsoft is experiencing one of its biggest US consumer perception surges in two years, and Bing is riding the wave, mainly due...
The score is tied. Both teams are traveling up and down the court almost as fast as a tennis match. You scored one of the...
Grasping the enormity of issues Google is currently involved in, should the web’s dominant search engine throw things in reverse? More importantly, will the FTC...
An SEO’s job can get monotonous when ideas run dry. Submit a guest post here, a press release there. Email bloggers and hope they respond....
Now that the dust of the elections has settled, and Congress is due back in session tomorrow, President Obama may soon add a signature to...
There’s no doubt that some webmasters are excited about the potential Google’s new “Disavow Links” tool holds for removing the negative valuation associated with low...
Begins now your journey young Padawan. You must teach your birds to fly with the power of the force and defeat the Pigtroopers of the Dark...
My parents named me after the famous Welsh poet, Dylan Thomas. It was an interesting choice when you consider that the man, despite being the...
There’s been a lot of movement this week by Internet giant Google. Not the least of its most recent announcements, Google Chrome utility and speed...
The Yahoo! Bing Network, a combined search advertising marketplace made up of Yahoo!, Bing, and partner sites (Facebook, Amazon, Monster, WebMD, CNBC, and Viacom, plus...
Google’s recent Penguin update was designed to reduce the impact that low-quality backlinks had on a website’s natural search performance. And while this news was...
There have been a lot of articles circulating through the blogosphere over the last several days about whether or not Facebook intentionally adjusted the EdgeRank...
When launching an SEO initiative, it’s incredibly important to perform a thorough inbound link analysis. Link audits can reveal a website’s strongest, weakest, and riskiest...
Internet users in the United States may have already noticed a slightly changed layout in search results. While the change will go unnoticed by...
Recently I had the pleasure to talk with Danny Sullivan, editor-in-chief of Search Engine Land, about Search Marketing Expo. Danny serves as Third Door Media’s chief content...
Chris Brogan, the President of Human Business Works, is one of the world’s most respected experts in the space where business meets social. Today, he...
YouTube videos of Hurricane Sandy. Instagram pictures of lines at the polls. Heated debates on Facebook. Photos tweeted by the President. Is there any doubt...
Well, the votes have been counted, and whether you are happy or upset with the outcome today, I have some excellent webinars to take your...
Being an outside SEO partner is always a little tricky, especially when you are working with a larger organization, because you aren’t physical in the...
Happy Election Day! It is a big day for America and it is important to remember that no matter what political side you are on...
Baidu is the most popular search engine in China, with over 400 million users. When Western marketers think of entering the Chinese market, Baidu is...
Has it been a while? Have you moved since the last election? Is this your first time voting? Then you might need to double check...
Photo sharing mobile app, Instagram, began a roll out of Web-based user profiles this week. Each Web profile will feature a selection of recently shared...
How do you catch a unique rabbit? You place a carrot on the ground then shoot it with a tranquillizer dart when it gets close....
Majestic SEO has added more tools to the SEO’s bag of tricks. Paid account users now have the option to upload their backlink list in...
Google initially announced its authorship markup efforts at the 2011 SMX Advanced conference, and yet, many website owners and entrepreneurs have still failed to take...