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Your source for all things search engine optimization (SEO), including breaking news, algorithm updates, guides, strategies, tactics, tips, trends, tools, and more!
The first phase of the FCC PROTECT initiative went into effect this week. PROTECT was started in April to combat the theft of mobile devices like phones...
Not only did Steve Jobs build the world’s largest company, he succeeded in changing the world. In fact, in many ways his products and ideas...
The wizards of smart at Facebook are testing an new layout for Timeline. This version features a single column for posts, instead of the two...
I am not sure when Facebook started this, I just saw it today. I understand Facebook wanting to come up with new options and ideas...
HootSuite, has added several tools to the line up of SocialApps available on their Web-based dashboard. Reddit, StumbleUpon,, Nexalogy, and CMP.LY have been added to the company’s ever-expanding App Directory. HootSuite is...
Happy Halloween to all you Internet ghosts and ghouls out there! I have a spooky joke for you: “What did the birdie say on Halloween?”...
Late yesterday afternoon, Apple announced a major overhaul of the upper level management structure in Cupertino. According to the Apple press release, Scott Forstall will...
Mobile search is big news everywhere. According to Google, mobile searches quadrupled in the United States last year. “Roughly one in seven searches, even in...
Conductor, a leader in Search Engine Optimization (SEO) technology, today announced that it has secured $20 million in financing led by Investor Growth Capital, marking the...
It is obvious that millions of people are going to need as much help as we can give them by the time this hurricane is...
Back in August of this year, Real officially launched their RealPlayer app for Android . As part of the development process for the video application,...
Yesterday, Amazon posted it’s third quarter earnings statement. The $13.81 billion in revenues fell short of covering the company’s expenses for the quarter, costing shareholders $0.60 per...
Updated Post Yesterday afternoon, Miranda Miller of Search Engine Watch broke the news about how some Facebook app developers are exploiting the private information of...
Pinterest has finally made it into the top 50 most visited websites in the United States, according to comScore, with just over 25.3 million visitors...
Wall Street investors seem to happy with yesterday’s 3rd quarter earnings statement from Facebook. According to Don Reisinger writing for CNet, “The social network’s shares have...
We all know by now that over-optimized anchor text was a huge factor for sites that were dinged by the Google Penguin update. We’ve seen...
As reported to you last week, Apple kicked off a what will be a full week of tech announcements and product launches—and the tech giant...
Well, if you’ve been following any of the twitter streams from the last two conferences, #Pubcon and #Convcon, you’ll see that there has been a...
In February of 2011, the introduction of the Panda update shook up the search results, altering more than one out of every 10 searches. Content...
In the session at Pubcon Las Vegas 2012, I spoke about link building, essentially revealing what works and what does not in a post-penguin world....
Yahoo will be releasing its third quarter earnings statement later this afternoon. CEO Marissa Mayer is also expected to announce her plans to turn the...
There is no doubt that social media is certainly enabling the campaigns to measure the volume of political discourse in a way it hasn’t been...
Well, we have 10 fantastic and educational SEJ articles that brought in the most traffic in the month of September. There is a lot to...
After all kinds of announcements and press invitations this week, the tech world is set to be abuzz with news over the course of next...
Blekko, the user curated search, launched a new suite of SEO tools to give developers and websites unparalleled data for improving site traffic. The new...
The term “consultant” can describe just about anyone these days, but perhaps, a more appropriate term for consultant would be artist—that person with niche expertise,...
It’s no secret in the SEO world that Google’s recent Panda and Penguin algorithm updates have killed off a number of backlink building techniques that...
HootSuite, the popular social media dashboard, announced it will be launching a new comprehensive social media solution for enterprise business. The HootSuite Command Center will...
This week I’m writing from PubCon in Vegas. I’m hitting the show tomorrow and excited to see what is going on. Last week, I had...
During Dreamforce 2012, I had the pleasure to attend a session on “How Salesforce does Online Marketing.” If I had to sum it up I...