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Your source for all things search engine optimization (SEO), including breaking news, algorithm updates, guides, strategies, tactics, tips, trends, tools, and more!
Earlier today, eMarketer released a study that estimates advertisers will spend $1.23 billion on mobile advertising in the U.S. market in 2011. This year will...
Yesterday, Google launched a new program – Google Trusted Sites. The program, which is aimed at reducing the risks associated with online shopping, will help...
Google Inc. recently fronted $100 million in order to have original video content produced for dozens of new YouTube channels. The technology giant is finalizing...
Google, the world’s largest search engine, has been working with Best Buy, Macy’s, and other retailers to develop a “web-based circular” similar to the weekly...
On Sunday Google’s LatLong Blog announced a 3D “helicopter view” feature for Google Maps. This view provides Google Maps users the option of having an...
At this week’s “Let’s talk iPhone” event in Cupertino, CA, Apple is anticipated to announce the launch of the iPhone 5 and newest version of...
Build a comprehensive, solid strategy, and then break it down into bite-size, actionable steps.
According to a recent report by the StatCounter web analytics firm, Google Chrome is on track to pass Mozilla Firefox’s number of users by December...
Yesterday afternoon, Enrique Munoz Torres, the Product Manager of the Google Analytics team, announced a new Premium version of Google Analytics. Initially, the product will...
The more experience you have, the easier it is to acquire clients. But that doesn’t mean that you need 10 years of C-level experience.
I have an associate that runs a very large and heretofore successful content site. He’s an experienced and competent entrepreneur and CEO. For several years,...
On Wednesday, search engine startup Blekko received $30 million in funding from various investors including Yandex, Russia’s top search engine. Trailing only behind Google, Bing,...
Last weekend, Australian technology blogger and hacker Nik Cubrilovic posted that Facebook cookies were tracking users in an unconventional manner. Even after a user had...
When deciding whether or not to offer a Groupon, many merchants struggle with wondering if they will gain repeat business or simply offer deeply discounted...
According to a recent eMarketer report, Twitter’s 2011 advertising revenues will fall short of the earlier $150 million projection. However, when compared to Twitter’s $45...
This morning, Amazon’s chief executive, Jeff Bezos, introduced the Kindle Fire. The brand new Android-based tablet weighs only 14.6 ounces and features a dual-core processor...
Yesterday, at the 2011 Mobilize conference, Twitter’s VP of engineering Michael Abbot spoke with Om Malik regarding Twitter’s overall growth and the role mobile devices...
Photo Credit You can attend a conference or local event, blog about it, and people will link to it. Having blogged recaps to many different...
In our modern world, every second counts. How long does it take to get around the Starbucks drive-through? How fast can you text? How quickly...
On Tuesday, Google announced that it is investing $75 million into a fund with Clean Power Finance Inc. to help install solar panels for up...
Last Tuesday, the Google Blog announced that Google+, which had been “invitation only,” was changing to “open access.” According to data from Experian Hitwise, since...
On Monday, Facebook filed the necessary paperwork to form the political action committee FB PAC. With Facebook’s increasingly dominant web presence and ever-growing user base...
Today, Google’s homepage is featuring a Google doodle with the Google letters celebrating Google’s thirteenth birthday. The doodle, which is not animated and has a...
On Friday, Microsoft launched a new version of Bing Deals that will aggregate over 200,000 of the best local deals from Groupon, LivingSocial, other deal...
On Saturday afternoon, a rumor leaked that is likely to have the Dropbox team feeling hung over as they report to work this morning. According...
The Script Kiddies, which is the same group that recently hacked the NBC Twitter account, struck again Sunday evening. The hacker group, which hacked the...
Yahoo News Activity, which was announced Thursday at the Facebook f8 conference, enables Facebook users to effortlessly find news that is important to their friends....
At the recent Facebook f8 developer conference, Facebook unveiled two new features: Timeline and Open Graph. Timeline, which is replacing the current profile pages, will...
Search marketing is an adventure, but never more so than when you decide to kickstart your own firm. Here are some obstacles you’ll hit and...
At Facebook’s f8 developer conference on Thursday, CEO Mark Zuckerberg announced the Open Graph. Described as a whole new class of apps, Open Graph will...
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