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Your source for all things search engine optimization (SEO), including breaking news, algorithm updates, guides, strategies, tactics, tips, trends, tools, and more!
One of the major battles between Microsoft and Google is taking place at a government level, and no, I don’t mean the Olympic-class lobbyists both companies employ....
There are only two types of Blogger in the world: those who need money from their blog, and those who want money from their blog. Even the...
Google has a massive list of blogs at their disposal (roughly a hundred, in fact), and for those keeping an eye on the mass movements,...
Likeonomics (n.): The study of how affinities and passions affect the production, distribution, and consumption of goods and services. The Keyword Made The Web What...
As the U.S. debate rages on about the appropriate policies for preventing piracy, the United Kingdom is on schedule to implement controversial countermeasures. More specifically,...
If Microsoft is Redmond, then Google is most certainly Mountain View. Yes, just like Microsoft, Google has locations around the globe. But, also like Microsoft,...
Google Maps are a very popular way to get around these days, especially with the increasing popularity of Android-powered devices (primarily smartphones) that can so...
One of the big Microsoft-Google battles taking place right now is the war for cloud productivity services. From web-based email to document creation, both companies...
For those who haven’t already heard, Microsoft has purchased Skype for over $8 billion. There are plenty of reasons why Microsoft was smart in making...
We at SEJ always encourage SEO knowledge exchange, therefore I was happy to come across the site which I am sharing today: SEOnky is a...
Ranking In Bing: What You Need To Know Google is important but they aren’t the only player out there. According to recent numbers, Microsoft’s Bing...
“This is just like television, only you can see much further.” Chauncey Gardner / Being There When I started my job search that landed me...
Mobile search marketing is perhaps the biggest growth area in digital marketing right now, and there’s a good reason for that. The foreign language internet...
It’s not often that two of my great passions intersect, but that’s precisely what they’ve done with a recent viral video. This YouTube release, dubbed...
Google Docs is undoubtedly a powerful tool. They were the flag-bearer in the online document creation and editing genre, and though their absolute dominance may not be...
Those who have paid attention, with neurotic intensity, to my entries over the last few months (and why wouldn’t you?) know that I enjoy Blekko. I...
Google and Facebook are kind of like brothers: Cain and Abel. Which one is which I’ll leave to your imagination and taste, but there’s no...
For Google, AdWords represents the foundational advertising model, not to mention the primary mode of income. Billions are spent each year on advertising through Google, and with...
It’s amazing; with the vastness of the Information Highway, there are still potholes to fill. An article on finding your online customer base is one...
For a long time, everyone was shouting that Facebook was Google’s biggest competitor. I scoffed at this, loudly vocalizing my opinion that Facebook was irrelevant...
Google News has become a trusted source for information on the web. The history of the service is of interest; it began as a response...
Google is taking a moment to celebrate small business week (this week, that is), which may seem a little odd at first glance. After all,...
One of the questions that’s brought to me on a semi-regular basis is whether or not 301 redirects diminish the amount of link juice passed by a...
Some of us have a negative (or at least not fully glowing) mention in the top 30 rankings for our brand or name. My agency...
This article is based on the data made available by the SEMPO State of Search Marketing Report 2011, published by Econsultancy. The SEMPO Report is...
Google Chrome OS has received plenty of attention from us over the last few months. The idea of having an operating system that functions as...
MIT, the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, has been around for a long time. In fact, at 150 years of age, MIT is older than the web,...
Google I/O, which took place earlier this month, was packed. Not surprise there! Tickets sold out in under an hour. Nevertheless, the million-plus viewers who...
If anyone had doubts that politics is involved in search engines, then the $5 million plus that Google spends on lobbyists each year should be...
Over the years, our good friends over at Google (largely through the input of Matt Cutts through his webmaster Q&A videos), we’ve heard a lot of information...
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