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Your source for all things search engine optimization (SEO), including breaking news, algorithm updates, guides, strategies, tactics, tips, trends, tools, and more!
Google develops a lot of new technologies to use internally – including new sources of energy to use in powering its servers and systems, electric...
In a few of our previous entries, we touched on some of the more elaborate of Google’s April Fools’ jokes in detail. However, there were so many...
The road to hell isn’t the only one paved with good intentions. Most of us set out with the best motives, but somewhere along the...
Google is the king of a great many mountains, with search being just the most obvious. Another area where Google thrives is its triumphant ownership...
Google has built much of its reputation on its innovative, high-quality products. However, at least some portion of customer loyalty is driven by the company’s...
Google is well-known for its April Fool’s Day jokes, and as the number of Google products has expanded so has the number of hoaxes and...
Google’s media front, and most notably YouTube, has been a hotbed of innovation since Google’s acquisition of the sites (and, yes, even before). That innovation...
Have you ever worried that spending hours at your computer each day, whether for the purpose of answering emails for work or communicating with friends...
Back in June ICANN began a new program for domain naming that amounts to a “game changer” for many Internet engaged companies. Previously there were...
One of our most awesome columnists you are most likely to be following, Alan Bleiweiss, has written an awesome eBook I have gone through and... If you’ve worked in the SEO industry for any significant length of time, you’ve inevitably had a situation arise where a brand new site...
Many people wonder why the last financial crisis almost hasn’t affected the Internet advertising market, while other industries had huge losses. Some experts said that...
While the new dashboard feature has been around for a about 2 months in most accounts it’s likely that most people have failed to notice...
This question has been very often discussed. Yet, we are getting back to it again and again. Let’s try to crear up some confusions? Here’s...
One thing you need to know about SEO is that it takes time to make it work. How much do you value your time? When...
We all know that a picture is worth a thousand words, but what we might not know is that a picture can also be worth...
If you’re interested in learning more about blogging optimization through SEO, you can join a free webinar I’ll be hosting today (March 23, 2011) at...
Social media marketing has grown up. Those still labeling social networking as nothing more than a fad just need to take a look around (The...
The moment there is an update in the search engine algorithms, the pessimists in the SEO industry (and the ones who do not understand the...
There is a lot of debate about how creating content can help a website improve its search rankings. While some would like you to believe...
It’s sad to say that many sites are still link hogs, with some editorial policies stating specifically that outbound links are not to be given...
We’re living in a world that’s more connected than ever before; Phineas Fogg’s “Around the World In We’re living in a world that’s more connected...
About 6 month ago I have done a detailed review of Link Research Tools – and most of our readers were amazed by the range...
So unless you’ve been living on a rock, there are five trending topics that are dominating the online conversations recently: Charlie Sheen – people are...
Marketing is surely the most complex, yet the crucial part of any business; and unlike many management techniques or strategies, you cannot imitate the marketing...
Many businesses are taking advantage of the reach of the internet by creating foreign language websites to access potential clients from every corner of the...
The “browser war” is more intense than ever before, with Internet Explorer losing dominance, Firefox and Chrome fighting for position, and Safari owning the tablet...
In a world where searches are pushing for greater personalization, Bing has stepped up their game via Matchbox. Matchbox, a technology that uses multiple forms...
There’s little doubt that piracy has become a part of our internet culture. Numerous congressional hearings and high-profile legal cases have highlighted the issue, but little...
For many years I operated in a bubble performing audits on client sites. Coordinating and providing consulting in the implementation of my findings, yet not...
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