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Your source for all things search engine optimization (SEO), including breaking news, algorithm updates, guides, strategies, tactics, tips, trends, tools, and more!
Organic (echo: organic, organic, organic)… It’s magical. It’s mystical… it’s damn hard to explain, is what it is. I think that’s why, when you search...
Our life is but a greater and longer childhood Benjamin Franklin. Remember when 24 hours felt like a year and 7.00pm bedtimes seemed like a...
Most of us know that while the search engines no longer consider the meta description in their ranking factors, this element of your page is...
Those of you who, like me, were eager to get your hands on the free Google CR-48 netbook but never received one are in for some disappointing news:...
Google search has changed a lot over the course of the last year. Beyond the most recent update (call it “Panda” or the “Farmer Update”...
While the major technology companies may not always agree with one another, the minds at work within these businesses are certainly some of the brightest...
Blekko has been on a crusade to destroy spam. This started at the inception of the company, where the human curation of “slashtags” allowed pre-screened...
Chrome is on one of the fastest release cycles around (six weeks), so it’s not particularly riveting news that we’ve made it to Chrome the...
Google’s latest algorithm has come to be known as the “farmer update,” but inside Google it’s known as “Panda.” Unlike many pandas, who are lazy...
At Boost CTR we have a team of expert copywriters optimizing ads for a variety of clients, so we see a lot of ads and...
“That seminar was one of the most eye-opening I’ve ever been too. I am so excited about these new tools and how I can apply...
With all that is going on in the SEO world, it is easy to forget that there are things that can illicit action from Google...
During meetings with prospective clients, I tend to heavily emphasize the importance of speed to the success of their SEO initiatives. By the way, I’m...
SpyFu is announcing their new tool called “SpyFu Recon” that gives some essential organic keyword insight and I have been lucky enough to give it...
Bing has been able to hold its share of the search market while scrambling slowly up the ladder thanks to its “niche targeting.” Rather than...
I remember, years ago, when the concepts of HTML5 and CSS3 were first introduced to me. I was dating a designer back then, and she...
It seems that I’m here reporting about a major problem with Android at least once every few weeks – whether it’s their painful text bug or their microSD security...
We know, if only because Google representatives have told us, that Google is eager to take part in the world of social networking. While Google...
The reality is, there isn’t one set of numbers for who the dominant mobile OS player is. Depending on which region you’re looking at, whether...
Microsoft’s keynote address at this year’s CES got massive amounts of applause as their tablet lineup was introduced. It was fully anticipated that as we entered what analysts dubbed...
All the giants of the web have been eager to get involved with the world of “daily deals.” However, the deal industry has no desire...
Here’s what we know about Google Hotpot: It’s a lot more visual and functional than the previous Places setup; it’s getting more promotions than any...
Blekko, once “the little search engine at could,” not the “feisty raccoon of the search engine world,” has had its share of strange promotions in...
Blekko has been pushing hard with promotions, combining the power of everything from lighting things on fire to creating trading cards, and let’s face it: the heavy...
Editor’s note: For the latest information on the Google Panda algorithm, please see: A Complete Guide to the Google Panda Update. Google was under a lot...
I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again: Google Hotpot is the most heavily promoted Google product since Chrome, and that’s nothing to ignore....
I’ve written a lot about Google Hotpot in the past, including some information on how the evolution of Places (yes, Hotpot and Places are for...
Yahoo is old enough that it can get a job, a driver’s license, and (if it lived in Germany) drink beer. That’s right: Yahoo has...
While Google has released a myriad of tools to help webmasters, one of their best-known and most pragmatic is Google Analytics. Provided as a free...
The technology giants have, almost since the common public starting using technology, been major contributors to creative innovations for education. Looking back we see the...
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