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Your source for all things search engine optimization (SEO), including breaking news, algorithm updates, guides, strategies, tactics, tips, trends, tools, and more!
Google runs 104 official blogs. These cover their various geographic locations, specific services, different platforms, and much more. As such, when I say that Google...
If there’s one thing you can say about Matt Cutts (known by many as the “voice of Google”), it’s that he’s never short on advice....
Happy new year everyone! Welcome to 2011 or MMXI to all of you Romans and movie producers! 2010 was a mixed year. The economy continued...
Although text message marketing isn’t my specialty, I’ve been hearing some impressive results. I had an opportunity to interview with Justin Rockwell of OIR Interactive...
When I went into marketing/communications in the 80’s, things were simpler. I spoke 5 languages, which pushed me into this field. What else could I...
Google tries to be a lot of different things to a lot of different people, and if history is any indication, they won’t simply stop...
While there are dozens of reasons why users will choose either an Apple-powered or Android-run device to fill their smartphone needs, one of the most...
Google’s expansions these days cause more than a few ripples in the world of online commerce. Their push to buy ITA is still the subject...
When we mention Windows Phone 7 here, it’s not usually with awe or enthusiasm. After all, Microsoft’s “ambitious plan” entails climbing into the number three...
The world of search engine technologies has been changing at an incredibly fast rate. Names that determined how we thought of searching just a few...
We have a few nick-names for Google here. “The search engine giant” is one of the favorites, while a variety of other names — mostly...
Google’s original business model was reliant on SERP ads. Now, they’ve expanded their revenue base somewhat, but their primary focus is still on ads found...
For some reason, people who get their hands on the latest and greatest technology automatically assume that it’s invulnerable to the threats that assailed its...
Anyone who has an Android phone should be jumping for joy at the great news we released just the other day, outlining Google’s upcoming Android...
For a time back in the late 90s and even early 2000s, consumers would choose from any one of about a dozen popular search engines...
Is Google TV failing? Are Google and Logitech having a “falling out?” Well, if you’ve been paying attention to any of the reports (including, yes,...
You need to cross-check your average CPC estimates when planning an AdWords campaign as using purely the Google KWT may result in a large variance...
As we recently reported, Android has pushed through the 200,000 application barrier, but there are several exciting applications on the horizon. One of them is...
Google is persistently refining and revamping its search engine, with one or more changes to their search algorithm each and every day. The objective for...
We reported previously on Paul Allen’s law suit against everyone in the world, including your mom. The law suit took some very vaguely worded patents...
Google has a huge number of great successes on the market. With about 140 different services currently active, and many of them thriving, there’s no...
The iPhone and iPad both became wild successes in part because Apple has been leading the App race. With over 300,000 applications, they’re a cut...
Google has definitely been putting a lot of its energy into the app marketplace, with a huge push to help developers create on the platform...
We’ve been reporting a lot on the Nexus S lately. That’s mostly because Google has been so clever in marketing it, of course, what with...
There are plenty of reasons to leave the major companies — Yahoo, Google, Microsoft — and pursue projects elsewhere. Recently, we’ve seen everything from the...
As high-tech devices are increasing in power, they’re also decreasing in bulk. Additionally, every so often devices will combine themselves into a single medium —...
It was once “Google vs Microsoft vs Yahoo.” Today, the picture has changed to something more like “Google vs Bingahoo vs Apple.” In case you...
It used to be that the major technology companies already had a map that was fairly well carved up, and each stuck to their respective...
In the movie “Frequency,” a time travel movie where a son communicates with his dead father via a ham radio (thanks to the radio’s unique...
The new version of the Kindle has sold very well this holiday season, largely thanks to a significant drop in cost and improved product features....
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