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Your source for all things search engine optimization (SEO), including breaking news, algorithm updates, guides, strategies, tactics, tips, trends, tools, and more!
Google has had some major failures this year, with Google Wave and Buzz topping the list. However, people are quick to add the newly released...
There’s that old saying, when you fail to use a basic human contraption appropriately, that says “you just have to be smarter than it is.”...
Ah, the end of the year: A time for us all to gather with our families, put together feasts of various kinds, and, of course,...
If you had to narrow down Google’s strengths to just the top one, it’s likely that their ability to hire great employees would be it....
Google’s stance on politics tends to be very narrow, and mostly related only to issues with direct impact on the net, search, and other company...
Having the right FTP client makes anyone’s life easier who needs to transfer files… especially if you’re a developer working on a client site. While...
This is kind of a different interview from the normal format your eyeballs are used to. When I designed the questions I had readers involved...
Today’s fun mid-holiday search tip will let you highlight your search terms on the page you land on in order to: Easily find your keywords...
Dell already has some solid Android tablet options available. While not all of them are doing equally well, it’s almost a sure bet that we’ll...
It’s no secret that Google is excited about Hotpot, the new website property that has replaced “Places” and (maybe, just maybe) seeks to dethrone sites...
Do you remember when we told you that Windows Phone 7 was flailing, desperately trying to compete? Do you remember when we said that their...
We’ve heard plenty on the FCC’s internet neutrality ruling, although the only really congratulatory statements have been from companies that were pandered to (Google, I’m...
Why is it that the Windows Phone 7 devices haven’t been doing well? Here’s your basic recap. 1) They’re new, and it’s always tough for...
Many have called 2011 the Year of the Tablet Wars. Android is releasing its first tablet-oriented OS (Honeycomb) and devices that are (finally) on par...
Google TV has been dubbed a “fiasco” by some, and while yours truly is skeptical on that exact terminology, we’re certainly miles and miles away...
Google hasn’t been short on clever promotions to publicize its Nexus S phone, with the most notable event being the recent launch of the device...
Google was in the mode for giving this year, with tens of millions of dollars donated to charitable organizations and noble causes. Of course, Google...
As the world moves forward toward heavier reliance on cloud computing — a fate that seems inevitable, especially if technologies like tablet computers and Google’s...
It seems that all the world’s corporations have banded together against WikiLeaks, with the major credit cards having blacklisted payment options, Amazon having shut down...
Dell, Archos, Eken, Samsung, Viewsonic, and a heaping scoop-full of others have produced some impressive (and, let’s be honest, not so impressive) Android powered tablets....
Google wanted Groupon. And why wouldn’t they? The “deal-a-day” site had bragging rights with their billion dollar annual revenue stream, and the concept was perfect...
The Generations Online 2010 study suggested that one of the top uses of the internet, regardless of your age group, is to search for health...
While you may think of the Googleplex, the central Mountain View complex where Google runs so many of their experiments, as the search engine giant’s...
The web is a diverse place, and the home to every kind of content imaginable. In addition to covering just about any topic you can...
Attending school can be more than a little expensive, especially for students serious about enrolling in a highly thought of university. Luckily, dedicated students may...
“Digital humanities” — the study of society, history, linguistics, and culture through digitized data — has become a recognized sub-section of humanities in general. Many...
Google has worked hard over the years to compile a comprehensive set of tools for webmasters. Especially for those less familiar with the concepts of...
We recently reported on Google’s space-bound expedition, where they sent their newly “launched” Nexus S phones to about 19 miles above the earth. Now, Google...
It was no secret that Google had an eye on Groupon, the deal-of-the-day site that exploded in popularity since its release at the end of...
Google doesn’t keep its love for the world of technology a secret. Their devotion to projects within the open source community, their branching into new...
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