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Your source for all things search engine optimization (SEO), including breaking news, algorithm updates, guides, strategies, tactics, tips, trends, tools, and more!
A decade back, everyone wanted a website in order to get a leg up on the rest in their industry. But with limited bandwidth, dial-up...
These last two months have been quite interesting with the launch of the Google Places O-Pack. It seems like everyone and their dog finally decided...
While it may not be labeled on your desk calendar, today marks the unofficial beginning of a period that I like to call the “Formulaic...
SEO is a special field of endeavor. We don’t just get gifts for the same holidays as everyone else. We get them all year long. ...
Back in July, Google announced yet another “experiment”: they were releasing an easy-to-use, visual interface that allowed everyday users to create apps for Android phones....
While Google Wave is on the road to either a shut down or a merge with another Google product line, its technology has certainly contributed...
When information was leaked from a Yahoo! employee that indicated that Delicious would be getting the ax in the near future, the social bookmarking community...
In the mobile war of Google’s Android versus Apple’s iOS devices, the applications are often the ammunition. At first glance, then, it’s surprising to see...
Google makes a big deal about some of their upgrades, changes, and projects, but other updates often fly in under the radar. These small enhancements...
Google has provided some key resources for those looking to analyze data on the Web. Their Analytics, Trends, and Insights are just a few of...
The release of the Chrome OS for pre-beta testing has unleashed concerns over data control and privacy. Nonetheless, technology is progressing steadily toward the cloud...
We’ve already reported on Google’s significant charity efforts this year, including the twenty million dollars in donations to several charitable organizations and the gift of...
Search in still king of the mountain for business and pleasure. For online travel, nothing could be more valuable actually. Google’s intended ITA acquisition is...
For those of you who haven’t yet visited, it’s essentially an SEO and Internet marketing professionals’ social voting community. Yours truly along with Chris...
Last year we announced that Search Engine Journal entered into a partnership with Market Motive to help provide search marketing certification courses; and I’m happy...
I know that our readers love cheat sheets: our last year’s post listing SEO cheatsheets had a great response. This week I have collected another...
I have been in the fortunate position just recently of being able to pop in to meet the guys from the MEC Dubai offices and...
Microsoft has seen its ups and downs over the last few years, and is now in a precarious position; while its partnership with Yahoo is...
Is it possible that employees laid off from Yahoo’s staff will sabotage the search engine results? Perhaps a better question is whether or not someone...
Google’s “Fiber” experiment is a fairly simple concept: the company wants to provide lucky communities with the fastest internet access yet conceptualized for modern access....
Those with their ears to the pulse of Google will already know about Google’s plans to enter the world of MP3s. Nevertheless, the details have...
Since its partnership with Microsoft for search results, it’s been rumored that Yahoo! was on the path to cutting off jobs. Now, rumors and their...
When the initial version of Google Voice Search was released by the speech recognition team, it was done so with a structure intended to “work...
This time of year is a time of giving — both thanks to the holiday season and the end of claimable tax benefits from donations....
Google Voice, the service that allows users to set up a free local and long distance calling line for use anywhere that you can access...
Microsoft has been shunted to the side in the world of mobility as Android and Apple vie for supremacy. However, as a flood of figures...
As Google’s Nexus S hits stores, the technology giant is leaving release-date events primarily in the hands of retailers. While resellers like Best Buy, AT&T,...
Google Chrome is quickly entering the mainstream for browsing options, having tripled in use over the last year. This new height of 120 million software...
When the Microsoft owned search sites changed their names to “Bing” a year and a half ago, it was fairly clear that this ground-up restructuring...
In addition to focusing on increasing last minute holiday sales, now is the time to make sure everything is in place to make 2011 a...
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