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Your source for all things search engine optimization (SEO), including breaking news, algorithm updates, guides, strategies, tactics, tips, trends, tools, and more!
Over the past few months Google has been testing out 3 new categories in “related searches”: brands, stores, and types. Search Engine Roundtable tried out...
Yesterday, alternative search engine, Blekko finally went live after 3 years of development and just over 3 months of beta testing. Back in July, Search...
On this Election Day, I’d like to discuss what I believe to be one of the most critical topics in search today: structured data. As...
If you send me a link request, I’m going to go ahead and assume you want my feedback. What? You don’t? You just want the...
Out there in the big wide world of search engines and sites, you have ads and you have search results. Your website is getting traffic...
Even as an intern I know these things make your site suck. They are things I come across all too frequently and drive me crazy...
When it comes to semantic analysis and how search engines deal with text, there has been a lot of theories thrown about the last while....
I ignored the opportunity to link build with infographics for far too long. As an engineer turned search engine professional, the idea of creating art...
In an effort to improve local search and its Places pages, Google announced a project six months ago, in which it would supply interested business...
In mid-September news broke that Google was in talks to purchase ITA Software Inc, which is the leader in flight data information, for $700 million...
We’re roughly a week away from Halloween and I still can’t decide what I’m gonna be! First I thought about dressing myself up as a...
You get that feeling that your being stalked by that company but maybe its just remarketing code you activate when you visited their website last...
DoNanza, the search engine for work-from-home and freelance jobs, has released today its quarterly State of the Work-From-Home and Freelancing Economy. The whole report can...
Tackling the development of a new search and social media course is no mean feat – ask Aleksej Heinze, from Salford University’s Business School! He’s...
“And you know, he’s the devil… He’s everything that I ain’t… Hiding intentions of evil, Under the smile of a saint”.… Kris Kristofferson I was...
Have you noticed the number of commercials being run by high-profile tier one companies and websites that are in the local listing industry? For example...
In the wake of mistakenly collecting Wi-Fi payload information, Google announced that they would no longer use their Street View cars to collect information on...
Making good on their promises to add social layers to its search platform, Google has added “shared by” and “recent updates” links to the bottom...
If you’ve been advertising with Google AdWords for a little while, you probably have a handle on the basics of Quality Score: what it is,...
User mind models matter when it comes to keyword research. They matter when you write the copy for Meta Descriptions, PPC Ads, on-site content, link...
In October of 2009, Google launched their new Comparison Ads product specifically for mortgage advertisers, which allowed them to compare their mortgage products side by...
When optimizing sites in languages that contain characters not found in the English language, it is important to know that Google will return different results...
When you are first starting out in business you may put all of your efforts into whatever marketing you can afford or have time to...
I recently had the opportunity to review the work of a fellow SEO company in the form of recommendations they had made for a client’s...
Looking for a little traction in China, Microsoft has partnered with the country’s largest online retailer, (whose parent company is Alibaba Group, owners of...
In the wake of Yahoo’s announcement that they would be releasing new search enhancement features in the coming weeks, today and yesterday they announced on...
I believe there’s a process that any person can go through that will make them a better marketer, guaranteed. I started my own business in... is a site that provides home-based and micro businesses with the service of having their business profiles distributed to major search outlets, social networks,...
Sebastian Thrun, a software engineer at Google, posted on the company’s official blog over the weekend that they have been developing technologies that will allow...
Google recently released a patent based on the browsing tendencies of “reasonable surfers”. Within, it details that previously, Google had followed a “random surfer” model...
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