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Your source for all things search engine optimization (SEO), including breaking news, algorithm updates, guides, strategies, tactics, tips, trends, tools, and more!
There will come a time when robots will be in your target market, but that day is (at least) a few years away. In the...
Last week I came across a great post outlining the impact of pagination on SEO, so today I am sharing some WordPress plugins to help...
Over the past couple months a lot of buzz has been generated regarding unethical business practices in the search marketing industry. We all know the...
If you are running Google AdSense in all its flavors (for content, for search, for feeds) since ages ago, have you ever wondered how much...
If Yahoo can’t afford to buy Foursquare, might as well buy something that offers something similar to the location-based mobile community site. And that’s what...
Does your website (or your client’s) have a beautiful design? You can take advantage of a unique, creatively designed websites in your link building efforts...
It can be hard to show clients value from your SEO campaigns because like in any service-based industry, it is not a tangible product. So...
We come across plenty of SERP- (search engine result page) -based tools daily. Most of them work the following way: they grab search results for...
Possibly due to the growing security and privacy concerns being faced by Facebook lately, Google was quick to implement measures to avoid similar issues. Google...
So after all this year’s of building up a very efficient search technology, a fast and lighweight web browser and a mobile computing platform, Google...
Search engines catering to targeted niches are gaining in popularity. Most of them add a social interaction element, like sharing, embedding, and voting to keep...
After attending a Thinkbox conference in Manchester a few months ago, it spurred on some thoughts around the expansive applications of SEO to other media...
One of the more prominent Geo-Listing (a.k.a. local business listing) hijackings occurred in New Zealand. A florist was found guilty for hijacking competitor local business...
I’ve been very busy, up to my knees in Social Media lately. In addition to regular client work and developing my Social Media teaching materials,...
Last month I went over the basics of how to future plan & setup a mobile version of your site correctly both for the user...
Google has taken off the exclusivity of Google Wave and has just made it available to everyone. So, starting today, you can just go to...
While there are countless sites on the web that are making good money, more often than not sites are not performing as well as they...
I have once looked at the three ways to display related posts in WordPress. I have also described that will help your site performance by...
I recently read an article by Sarah Carling entitled “The Best Job In The World.” and found it so compelling that I wanted to add...
Google is on to its usual company shopping again. This time, it is eyeing Global IP Solutions, a company that provides technology used for delivering...
You can get links by producing great content which people social bookmark or mention on their sites. But you only get those links from your...
The SEO industry has seen its share of horrendous grey and black hat approaches for many years. It is truly amazing to me that I...
My rule of thumb as to keyword research tools is: the more the better. Various tools have different algorithms and metrics to compare and when...
Five months after it started selling Nexus One via its online store, either Google finally realized that this is probably not the best way to...
Ladies and gentlemen, can I have your attention please?! Will the real Slim Shady please stand up? Oh… wait. Wrong audience. Sorry. The Search &...
I have previously outlined the importance of heading stucture for accessibility and usability as well listed some best practices as to using h1-h6 tags. Today...
Still remember that quick poll which Loren did several months ago when Google announced that the Chrome OS will be targeted primarily for netbooks? Majority...
Not to my surprise I find that mobile marketing has both a digital definition as well as a traditional definition. In the digital definition it...
Google has just rolled two new search features that both offer relevant results for factual search as well as additional search results refinement that offer...
Social Networking and Bookmarking sites have become a great way to boost the profile of your website across the internet and automated sharing and posting...
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