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Your source for all things search engine optimization (SEO), including breaking news, algorithm updates, guides, strategies, tactics, tips, trends, tools, and more!
We already know how 404 errors ruin your SEO and usability. And long ago I shared some ways to keep track of 404 pages that...
When you begin working with a new SEO client, it’s always a great idea to help them understand their current state before moving forward. As...
Few television shows are as close to a one-to-one comparison to Search Engine Optimization like The Biggest Loser. From the personal trainers to the eliminations...
It’s all about the real estate. Google results pages have historically been about simplicity. Any search “options” have been such a little part of the...
The most popular reason people redesign their site is to update the site’s look. Most never really take into account other areas of the site...
You can spend a bunch of time prospecting for links, you can ask for links and you can even beg for links, but the most...
Geo-Marketing (or Geographic Marketing) is a new method of marketing a business and its website through web searches, mobile searches and social media. As you...
Google has given its main web product, web search a much needed redesign. And while this is a welcome development since it’s been quite awhile...
We all know which issues blog templates usually have with SEO – and one of the most wide-spread problems is a duplicate content one: blog...
Taking a look at the history of PPC and comparing it with today’s market, you can see the complete 180 that the space has taken....
Take a moment and pretend you’re a search engine bot – It’s early in the morning. You are enjoying a fresh cup of coffee while...
April 27th 2010 marked the launch of Ontolo’s Link Building Toolset, in the works since 2008. The Link Building Toolset uses targeted SEO keywords to...
Starting June or July, the next time you use Google Books search and discover titles that you are interested to buy, you may soon do...
For years now, search engine marketers have been predicting the death of SEO. I’m not sure why we’re all so quick to denounce our livelihoods,...
First, a full disclosure. I run a humor site,, which for several years had one of the coveted top ten organic positions for the keyword...
Keyword Tool Supercharger is a great tool developed by GeekLad. It means to provide more competition and keyword analysis data for a widely-used free keyword...
I’m probably not going to entertain many link requests. At all. Simply because doing what I do for a living I understand the value of...
Last month I shared one of my favorite recipes on tracking local search data with Google Analytics for wordpress. This month I figured that one...
It’s all about happiness metrics A while back I wrote here about how search engines go about discovery, the act of finding your pages. I...
Understanding thy competition is a golden rule in any kind of business, ranging from online marketing to politics to running the local mom & pop...
Most of us will agree that Google search is insanely useful. However most people don’t know how to use it to its full potential. This...
Google has just launched a new search feature that aims to help you easily find new websites that are similar to the ones you are...
If you’ve dipped a toe or two into copywriting, one of the first things you’ll learn about is the power of negativity. Words like “Don’t”...
Sometimes it can be like pulling teeth to try and get others in your organization to contribute to your content development strategy. Of course the...
Good quality analytics (such as Google Analytics or another paid analytics software packages) provides good and very useful information. If you pay attention to it...
I wanted to let all of the Search Engine Journal readers know about a new product that I am offering on my blog called the...
If any of you were looking at Google Adwords the past few days, you may have noticed a few interesting things. Google has decided to...
It looks like Vladimir Prelovac has become our SEJ featured developer. I have already shared his plugin for smart blog interlinking and mentioned another WordPress...
This week Facebook rolled out some new tools and cupdates to their Open Graph that lets publishers utilize the new Facebook Like option and other...
The 2010 NFL Draft will mark the first time the drafting of college players by NFL teams will be held in Prime Time, and not...
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