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Your source for all things search engine optimization (SEO), including breaking news, algorithm updates, guides, strategies, tactics, tips, trends, tools, and more!
Just a quick update to inform you that if you’re using Google’s product search, whether on your computers or mobile devices such as iPhone or...
I have been enrolled in the Market Motive social media online course for close to two months now. Each week I have been given a...
Whether you work in-house or take on several clients, there are going to be projects that make you cringe and projects that feel good to...
ComScore has just released its February search engine rankings data. And while there’s nothing new in terms of who is on top, who gained and...
With the ever growing site traffic of of YouTube mobile site, it is not surprising that Google will take advantage of this to serve advertisements....
While you are pondering on the points made by Todd about online retirement, here’s a worthwile albeit healthy activity that you may want to consider...
“Burningly it came on me all at once, This was the place! those two hills on the right, Crouched like two bulls locked horn in...
I pretty much remember when talks about Google launching its own store for web apps started circulating before. But Google remained mum about it until...
Recently the company I worked for made a big decision to rebrand and with it came the dreaded domain name change. We are also having...
The Guardian UK is reporting that Microsoft Bing is preparing to launch a massive TV ad campaign aimed at challenging Google’s dominance in the UK...
With the ever emerging and evolving world of web 2.0. marketers no more can afford to neglect social media, and with Facebook becoming the second...
Last year I did a short post on building links via local blogs. Looking back at that post I think it is quite limited. Those...
Effective search engine optimization is equal parts art, science, and EXPERIENCE, so I sat down with industry veteran Joe Laratro to get the dish on...
Google announced a pretty cool feature that most of us Android phone users would surely find useful and innovative – gesture search. Basically, what this...
Google’s long-standing effort on making its search engine results pages more personalized continue with the roll out of a new feature – marking search results...
There are numerous posts on PPC vs SEO, who gets more money, and all that mumbo jumbo. To me, it’s right up there with “SEO...
Competition is stiff these days. It’s getting harder and harder to achieve optimal search engine rankings, at least without professional help. So how to compete...
If you are a small business owner or an in house marketer looking to hire an outside SEO firm to outsource all your search engine...
Google has just released a new beta feature for Chrome browser – a translation prompt that automatically appears whenever you are visiting a site which...
Google has just acquired another company as announced by the company’s official blog. It’s Picnik, a fun, online image editor that was founded in 2005...
Attention all Search Engine Journal lovers and avid readers out there: we have good news! The new SEJ News iPhone application is now available in...
Have you ever sold a client linkbaiting content and when it came time to produce the bait, you’ve thought “oh dear, there’s not much to...
Earlier in the morning a major 8.8 earthquake hit Concepcion, Chile (a major university city) which has set off a Tsunami warning in the Pacific...
I was going to sit down and write a post with my usual brand of geekiness. You know, some more eye-watering patent or IR paper...
Mobile search continues to explode. According to eMarketer, mobile search spending will grow 81% over the next two years. So there’s no better time to...
Although both Facebook and Google has not yet announced this officially, some folks are reporting that status updates from Facebook pages will start showing up...
Looking to integrate your analytical data and tracking across your site, blog and now even your Facebook Fanpages? It appears that the UK’s WebDigi Dev...
UPDATE 10/06/2010: In retrospect, I was completely wrong. It had to happen sooner or later. Read the rest at your own risk. —————– Buzz is...
Too many SEO’s and marketers worry about getting that #1 ranking in Google for their primary keyword/phrase. Of course, if that query is being highly...
Google has just announced its new ad serving technology which is geared for both large and small scale online publishers – DoubleClick for Publishers. This...
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