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Your source for all things search engine optimization (SEO), including breaking news, algorithm updates, guides, strategies, tactics, tips, trends, tools, and more!
Sometime last year, Google rolled out its social search experiement with the aim of making search, well, more social. No, specifically to make relevant web...
I can’t recall how many times a prospective client has come along where my initial thought was “wow – this one’s going to take 250...
Google has just released the latest and most stable release build of its Chrome browser for Windows. Most notable features are the additional of more...
Everyone in the SEO industry knows and understands that most websites cannot live by on-site optimizations alone. After you perform your keyword research, complete your...
In a bid to make search results more relevant, Google is introducing two new features which were actually based from two of its experiemental products...
It is no news that Google is displaying local search results in the SERPS these days. If you are looking for anything from a dentist...
If you’re paying for links or building them manually, it’s becoming more and more important to make it look like you’re gaining them naturally. That’s...
SEO’s evolution in a growing web I have written for Search Engine Journal before but have kindly been given my very own monthly column on...
Google just released its Fourth Quarter 2009 Earnings Report and never mind if it didn’t exceed expectations of the Wall Street Journal, it’s still quite...
As the Internet world continues to wait for Google to fully push online its next generation infrastructure called Caffeine, its best to understand why its...
So, it seems that ad serving is the order of the day for Google. Aside from introducing new targeting options for mobile ads, Google is...
Google AdWords has just rolled out a new targeting options for mobile ads. If you’re an AdWords publisher running ads on iPhones and other mobile...
Microsoft has just announced that its Bing Maps service is finally leaving the beta state. And as it prepares to become a full-pledged Microsoft geo-mapping...
The New Year brings some new services from Google Adwords, which will take you beyond your basic PPC ads. Google has be working hard to...
Business Week is running quite an interesting story regarding ongoing talks between Apple and Microsoft that would make Bing as the default search engine on...
Microsoft has quietly rolled out a minor enhancement to its search autosuggest feature. In fact it is so quiet that you wouldn’t really notice it,...
Amidst the issues that’s happening right now between Google and China, Google decided to cancel the scheduled launch of its Nexus One phone in the...
Not every in-house SEO job looks like one at first glance. It may not come prepackaged as an in-house SEO job. Sometimes, you may have...
One of the most popular articles on SEJ is about using social media profiles for Online Reputation Management (ORM), which is a great starting point...
Yelp, the local business review community which made it to the cover of Inc Magazine this month AND turned down a Google acquisition in December,...
Purple prose is a lovely name given to the style of writing that tends to be so extravagantly worded that you really have very little...
The disaster of the Haiti Earthquake has led to a worldwide relief effort which in the United States is being led my the American Red...
I first met Ian when he spoke at our SearchFest 2008 event. Though we’ve communicated frequently via social media, we, more often than not, missed...
Last week with my post on hCard format I started a good tradition: overviewing microformats in an easy-to-understand way and learning to use them with...
The Google Mobile Blog has just posted a short note announcing a new feature of its search suggestion on for mobile phones. Currently working...
Following up Nielsen search market share data, Hitwise has also released their search metrics for December 2009. And just like Nielsen’s stats, Google is also...
The earthquake in Haiti, which rocked the capital city of Port Au Prince over the week, has been devastating to the already impovershed country, its...
Businesses that are looking for a vendor often spend a lot of time and energy researching and meeting with various different companies to make sure...
I want to get you thinking the way I am on this one, so bear with me for a moment. I want you to imagine...
UPDATE: 1/16/2010: Over on Nichola Stott’s blog it’s been mentioned that Google seem to have pulled back from the edge of the abyss on this,...
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