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Your source for all things search engine optimization (SEO), including breaking news, algorithm updates, guides, strategies, tactics, tips, trends, tools, and more!
A long time ago I listed a few web-based tools to check a web page size and why it matter for SEO. Today I am...
Just a short update posted by the Inside AdWords regarding its new professional looking templates which were just added to AdWords’ Display Ad Builder. If...
Google’s Matt Cutts has made a surprise appearance here today in the SEO Site Clinic at SES San Jose 2009 along with Web Guerilla’s Greg...
Google is really so into “social” right now. Aside from introducing the social gadgets for iGoogle to everyone, it is also enhancing the sharing features...
Recently Google Australia introduced some new social features to iGoogle, specifically social gadgets that bring iGoogle closer to becoming a full-featured social networking site. And...
Here’s what could probably be Google’s first in gearing up for an impending battle against the combined force of Yahoo and Microsoft in the coming...
If you understand the AdWords conversion tracking cookie, you know you can’t report a monthly AdWords ROI accurately until 30 days after the month ends....
Just in time for the back-to-school days shopping gigs of U.S. households with student members in the family, Bing is offering double cash back when...
There may not be a Google Dance during this year’s SES San Jose, but that does not mean that the staff of Search & Social...
Previously here on Search Engine Journal, I covered various Semantic Search Engines which have erupted on the scene as alternatives to Google and Microsoft /...
We know how much Google depends on external links for assigning some value to a site and a page. And because we all know that,...
What are your direct competitors doing in the way of getting more backlinks? My research in over 30 verticals sheds some light on the question....
Have you noticed anything new with the way Google is displaying its paid search ads on its SERPs lately? According to the Periscopix blog, Google...
Online publishers have a unique set of search marketing challenges compared to most B2B or ecommerce sites, and in an increasingly competitive landscape. One major...
Just because someone with a huge following claims this or that, isn’t good enough for me when it comes to knowing whether to implement some...
It looks like Yahoo has made sure that it is well protected before entering into the search and online ad deal with Microsoft. Information contained...
I just got a new MacBook Pro a couple of days ago and have been adjusting and learning to work on the Mac OS X...
I’m very happy to announce this morning that Search Engine Journal is launching the first of multiple redesign and restructuring phases, which have been underway...
With the flood of SEO tips you come across here and there it is easy to become paranoid and screw your site up in an...
Yahoo’s order of battle for today must b “re-engineering” its neglected property. Aside from the enhancements to Flickr’s search result page, Yahoo is also revitalizing...
Despite being one of Yahoo’s most successful acquisition, Flickr rarely gets the love and attention from Yahoo. Probably because the Yahoo folks know that Flickr...
There are many essential ways to improve your AdWords account’s performance, but one of my favorites is ad testing. When I review people’s existing AdWords...
Page title is the most visible but not the only element which can make your page listing stand out in SERPs. Your page search listing...
Finally, Microsoft and Yahoo came to an agreement and this can literally change the landscape for us PPC advertisers (and SEO). How will deal impact...
Google’s CEO Eric Schmidt has just stepped down from his position in Apple’s Board. Mr. Schmidt has been with the Apple Board since 2006, five...
If you’re Google and you know that two of your fiercest rivals have joined forces to beat you, and you just found out that one...
Here’s what could possibly be Google’s biggest offensive yet against Microsoft. Knowing pretty well that the combined search property of Microsoft and Yahoo will surely...
Following up the search options feature which was introduced recently, Google is has now implemented similar option feature to its Image Search property. It’s a...
The search engine landscape has already changed since Microsoft released Bing: all SEOs expected the unexpected; we all knew that Bing was just the first...
Google has just rolled out the new Checkout Store Gadget currently running under Google Labs. This gadget lets users create their own online stores using...