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Your source for all things search engine optimization (SEO), including breaking news, algorithm updates, guides, strategies, tactics, tips, trends, tools, and more!
On Tuesday, Microsoft, Yahoo, and Real were named in a lawsuit filed by some music publishing companies claiming that each of their online music stores – Zune,...
As real-time search and Twitter’s growing importance in producing valuable information is getting into the mainstream, Bing is joining the likes of Facebook, Google and...
Yesterday Twitter sneakily unveiled a new user interface for both the “followers” and “following”. While I personally believe that their efforts could have been better...
On Tuesday Digg announced that they were finally rolling out some major updates to their duplicate detection technology, and let’s be honest – it’s about...
When the news about Michael Jackson’s death broke out, it was TMZ who scooped it beating other news outlets and was quoted as a source...
Expect more of these kinds of post in the next couple of days as search analysts will be on the lookout for statistics on Bing’s...
With Google Chrome threatening its dominance in the browser arena, Firefox certainly has got many things to consider to prevent Google’s browser from inching in...
Google is extending its services to mobile phone users in Africa via Google SMS. Google SMS is a suite of mobile apps that provide access...
Google Android applications are currently written in Java and run off Google’s Dalvik Java virtual machine, however, that will soon change. Last week Google announced...
Google currently has more than 25,000 news sources that contribute content for Google News, and now they are inviting them to share professional news videos...
I don’t usually write columns like this. This one is more philosophical than usual, but I think it’s an important topic for everybody in search...
I am very happy to announce that Search & Social Media LLC, the parent company of Search Engine Journal, has recently tapped Scott Polk as...
And you thought the “Digg Effect” was bad. Behold the Yahoo link effect. A link featured at the top of Yahoo’s front page sent more...
Sometime in 2007, when Microsoft acquired aQuantive, it has also acquired the Digital Ad Agency Razorfish. Now 2 years after the Microsoft acquisition, Razorfish is...
A couple of days ago, Google announced the beta launch of AdSense for Mobile Apps. This is a new facility which iPhone and Android app...
In my last article, 8 Key Points to Multiple niche Sites And Controlling Back Links, I cautioned that you need to be careful that a...
According to Google, Michael Jackson did not pass away two days ago. Instead, the search engine is serving a customized result (powered by Wikipedia) stating...
Right after we mentioned in our previous post that one of Bing’s strengths is its travel vertical, here comes an interesting post by Epicenter on...
Has Michael Jackson died or is this another social media and Internet hoax? Social Media is reporting his death. CNN is reporting he’s in a...
Google PageRank (the visible toolbar PageRank that is) was updated around the web on the 23rd and 24th of June, changing the visible PageRank scores...
Hash tags are a fad. Hash tags were cool for about 10 minutes. But then they started to remind us of IRC, Meta Data, and...
Google has just launched, a new site for developers containing tutorials, tips and performance tools which can be used to optimize the performance of...
If you can’t acquire them, just hire them! Microsoft, which made a play to acquire Yahoo via hostile takeover last year, has forged ahead and...
Google updated their Google Chrome browser yesterday with a new release (version which includes a major fix of a critical security flaw in the...
Yesterday Google, in cooperation with a group of tech companies, create a new search service with the specific aim of helping users find community service...
I have said numerous times how much I love using Excel to get better organized. And using it for managing your link building campaigns is...
I feel kinda stupid. Either I didn’t read the AdWords Help on Ad Serving settings closely enough (again), or AdWords made something super non-intuitive (AGAIN)....
Finding great content online from a social media and search marketer’s standpoint is a very vital aspect to building out social accounts, writing blog posts,...
Four Google executives have been the target of criminal privacy charges in a Milan court over a video of a bullied disabled child which was...
Did Bing just beat Google in Search Trends? Apparently, that was what Eric said on a post over at TechCrunch. Eric compared the trend on...
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