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Your source for all things search engine optimization (SEO), including breaking news, algorithm updates, guides, strategies, tactics, tips, trends, tools, and more!
Facebook Pages are a free way for companies, organizations and fan groups to set up a page within Facebook to share information and connect with...
TripAdvisor, the long time user generated media travel community with true to life hotel and destination reviews, photos and information, has added a new flight...
Tomorrow in Bangladore, India, Google is holding its Google SearchMasters Conference 2009 which is an opportunity for hte Indian webmaster community to interact with Google...
Google AdSense for Domains lets domain name owners set up AdSense links on a parked domain which if it receives traffic, will serve relevant ads...
Only a couple days after the great Google GMail Outage of 2009 (and hopefully the last), Google has confirmed that AdSense, their contextual ad network,...
Here you go, the much anticipated management re-structure which Yahoo’s new CEO Carol Bartz was rumored to implement. Posting on Yodel Anecdotal, Ms. Bartz has...
If you’re from the U.S. and you use Google News stream to get your daily news fix. More particularly if you’re using Google News’ search...
Google is now on Twitter. As insane as it may seem, it has taken Google years to start using their Google account, which is located...
A great WebmasterWorld thread discusses the Google search suggestion evolution. The fact is, Google considers itself to know much better what the surfer wants. Even...
Jon Henshaw of Raven SEO Tools has put together some tips on getting the most out of your (formerly known as bookmarked links,...
Looking for another reason to attend IM Spring Break? Neil Patel will be keynoting SEO day at IM Spring Break with a discussion on new...
One of my main job functions is recommending online marketing strategy for specific client situations. Over the last five years, I’ve looked at a lot...
The Obama administration has revolutionized the way the White House, and political campaigns for that manner, use the Internet and social media as an open...
WSJ is reporting that Yahoo is set to unveil a new online ad targeting program that aims to help online marketers get better gains from...
When I’m meeting with clients or prospective clients, I’m often asked how important it is to rank on page 1 of the search engines. It...
IM Spring Break, the 3 day SEO, search marketing and affiliate marketing event, will be held from April 2nd thru April 4th. The conference and...
The Oscars are going to start at 8:30 EST tonight, and the world is waiting to see whether Slumdog Millionaire, a film which almost did...
I’ve been noticing a lot of different fonts on Google AdSense here on SEJ, and AdSense has been known to test new fonts since 2008...
Google’s VP of Engineering Vic Gundotra has demonstrated a new Gmail application that will run on iPhone, Google Android phone and other mobile platforms. The...
A recent ComScore study shows an increase in Yahoo Search market share of .5% in January 2009 over December 2008, giving Yahoo a market share...
A great thread over at WebProWorld forums discusses how to both encourage more people to click the link while making it user- and SEO-friendly. What...
Yahoo is set to announced its newest search ads enhancement called Rich Ads in Search. And by “Rich” it means Yahoo is integrating images...
Images are part of your content. You can use the images for two main reason: To add important information (to explain something more vividly and...
If you’re a bit TOO digital in your orientation, you can forget or ignore the fact that a large amount of business is still done...
Yesterday I found myself planning a new content generation & copywriting project, where I’ll need a handful of writers to generate topical blog posts on...
Has your site been hit with a Google Penalty? Do you feel that your site has been penalized by Google and this is keeping you...
How Google views sites hosted on the same IP address is an interesting question. Have you ever been approached by a link farm owner offering...
Due to the demand in tickets for IM Spring Break, the Search Marketing Conference which is to be held at the Deerefield Beach Hilton from...
We all have knowledge. And I can assume if you visit this site, you know a little bit about getting traffic to a web site....
It’s important to remember that the best links come from real human beings. In SEO circles, these are referred to as editorial links. Real people...
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