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Your source for all things search engine optimization (SEO), including breaking news, algorithm updates, guides, strategies, tactics, tips, trends, tools, and more!
Who would have thought that the day will come that even documents which were digitized through scanning can now be search by Google’s powerful search...
We all know that the Google-Yahoo deal was supposed to have commenced this month, but both companies decided to wait for the Justice Department’s decision...
Google announced that they are starting to push towards a global login. They are calling this global login a “federated login.” I feel this could...
Just like the sea of content on the web, there is immense mix and mash of technologies that go into creating web sites. HTML, CSS,...
According to a Bloomberg article covering comScore numbers (cough cough), Yahoo has gained search share over the last month while Microsoft has dropped a bit....
While social networking is nothing new today: starting from the early age of Myspace people establish and maintain connections online. A new people search service...
It took Google four years to settle a long-standing copyright lawsuit filed against its Book Search Project by the Association of American Publishers and the...
Image optimization is both vital for “search engine friendliness” and web accessibility. Let’s look at a few top tools that can help you analyze both...
There is a simple belief that sums up the effort behind viewzi, a search engine that takes many different ‘viewpoints’ on search (literally). A standard...
We’ve all missed The Lisa’s blogging ever since she made her move back to the East Coast, but now our fix for Lisa Barone’s incredible...
Keeping users abreast with the latest trends in the news is what news aggregators are all about. Silobreaker, a UK based search and news engine...
People learn in different ways. Our industry offers a plethora of learning and sharing communities based around linguistic learning styles including blogs, forums, Sphinn, and...
Toolbar PR is something many webmasters have no more trust in. The common opinions are: PR (change) often seems to have nothing to do with...
Friday will mark the first Scary SEO event, a mini-conference which will be held at Deerfield Beach / Boca Raton, Florida and focus on an...
Yahoo’s financial report for the Q3 is out and despite reporting a not so bad financial conditions contrary to what was being predicted the past...
A new web service that started in September takes an interesting approach towards the information overload problem on the web. Yotify takes an approach that...
Yahoo has just added a geo-targeting system for its search ad placement. This new tool will enable search ad campaign managers to fine tune their...
CloudTuner, an Israeli start-up is working on technology that applies a new perspective to the importance of keywords in search. Users are provided with a...
UPDATE : Since writing this and contacting some Googlers, my Google account was unblocked at 2 am last night, EST. Thank you Google for the...
In the past I did quite a few posts on competitive research: How to evaluate your keyword competition; Tools for spying on competitors search marketing...
Call them Google versions of business cards, Geocities 2.0 or call them what you will, I consider Google Profiles to be the building block to...
Amidst the ongoing economic and financial turmoil and beating industry analysts’ predictions and forecasts, “miraculously” Google still managed to pose some considerable growth as reported...
After Yahoo UK opened itself up to UK licensed gambling ads about a month ago, and MSN UK doing the same, Google UK has felt...
Google define:keyword (no space) advanced operator is a very handy (yet not very widely used) way to quickly find the word meaning. However the algorithm...
Recently, Google Webmaster Tools has introduced its Crawl Error feature which provides details about the site URLS which Google tried to crawl but could not...
This case may just be one of the many copyright lawsuits filed against Google, but its implications maybe too big in the long run for...
Last week e-Commerce link building was discussed at WebmasterWorld Forums (also reviewed by SEroundtable). Why is it actually more difficult to build links to an...
Google News is testing a new vertical format which seems to be reminiscent of Yahoo One Search and more of a mobile device driven format...
Just when you thought this buyout deal between Yahoo and Microsoft was over, here comes some small group of Yahoo investors making some noise again. ...
A very insightful thread at WebmasterWorld discusses how Google might distinguish trust and authority notions and how they might influence the algorithm. In a very...
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