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Your source for all things search engine optimization (SEO), including breaking news, algorithm updates, guides, strategies, tactics, tips, trends, tools, and more!
33 reasons why you should stay up late and go to the IM Charity Party at SES San Jose: 1. Networking happens AFTER the sessions...
According to, former Google engineers have launched a new search engine that could index even more sites than that of Google. The name of...
Blinkx, the video search engine and video search technology firm, is moving to acquire search advertising and contextual ad firm Miva, which has been hit...
It won’t come as a surprise to you that today on 08-08-08 at exactly 8 past 8 (If you haven’t guessed it, 8 is a...
It maybe a bit late for Microsoft, but still for those who have been trying to master a work around into getting their sites to...
Google has launched a free music downloading service in China which lets users download licensed songs, which will be supplied by music companies in exchange...
Fans of Google Trends who are also Adwords advertisers and marketers would be glad to know about Google’s new tool which is very similar to...
I continue updating you on SEO case studies here to promote idea sharing with our readers. HighRankings forums recently discussed an SEO case when a...
Google owns DoubleClick, a digital marketing technology and services provider while Silverlight 2 is a Microsoft product. What would you call an agreement sealed by...
For those of you who are buried under piles of work and don’t spend as much time as you like reading about what is happening...
If you run an eCommerce site, submitting it to coupon code directories is a wise promotional method you might want to consider. You will benefit...
A collegue and Search Engine Journal reader emailed me over the weekend, to let me know that the Yahoo Paid Inclusion (Yahoo Search Submit) feed...
So, there you go, amidst some tongue-lashing and verbal beating more particulary thrown at Roy Bostock, Yahoo’s nominees to the Board of Directors, all of...
Yahoo is launching the new version of ( today and with or without the dots, the company seems to be moving on with its...
Google and Yahoo spent a combined $1.36 Million last quarter in lobbying according to the Associated Press, with Yahoo spending $630,000 and Google topping off...
If you think the Live Search Cashback was a silly program to promote its search engine, Microsoft might be doing unusual again with the redesign...
It’s been awhile since we last heard of a media company banging on YouTube’s doors for some copyright infringement violations. For the past couple of...
More and more sites have fallen victim to hackers recently and some important steps should be taken to (1) secure your site and (2) monitor...
Comparing quotes from financial services is a big market in the UK, as sites which deliver quotes from unsecured loan, car insurance and even pet...
Adding to the list of Yahoo shareholders who are “furious” about the failed Microsoft-Yahoo deal is billionaire investor T. Boone Pickens who has to sell...
While I’ve never been advocative of focusing on such an old and overused SEO technique as keyword density, keyword prominence is something you should always...
Here comes another challenger who wants to take on Google search and the way it indexes and organizes the web. From some ex-Googlers come, Cuil...
China has now 253 million internet users according to the latest report of the China Internet Network Information Centre (The CNNIC is a government agency)....
A few days ago rumors abound that Google is close to acquiring Digg for a whooping sum of $200 million. This even prompted Loren to...
Yahoo has introduced a minor change in the way it treats its search engine results page. This change has something to do with queries relating...
For now, Microsoft may have gave up on acquiring Yahoo and lost its only hope of catching up with Google in the search and online...
Google Maps is a great tool for finding driving directions, as well as for getting a general overview of an area. Now they’ve added another...
Combatting complaints sites in Google results has become an ongoing issue for many companies, as consumer complaints from years ago can appear on the front...
Google has invested an undisclosed sum in two U.S. companies developing technologies for plug-in electric vehicles. The investment is a part of the company’s “RechargeIT”...
As Microsoft announced a major reorganization, more particularly the splitting up of its Platforms and Services Division (PSD) into the Windows/Windows Live and Online Services,...
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