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Your source for all things search engine optimization (SEO), including breaking news, algorithm updates, guides, strategies, tactics, tips, trends, tools, and more!
Sometimes it’s very useful to return to basics and refine good old SEO techniques you might forget. SOC (“source ordered content” or “front-loading”) is one...
After seven months since it was announced, Google finally opens its Wikipedia-like web product KNOL to the public. I could understand why it took Google...
AOLs Platform-A is now offering Goowy’s widget creation and management services as part of its widget distribution offering for advertisers. AOL purchased Goowy back in...
Previously, I have already touched upon tools that help in geo-targeting and compared their effectiveness. All of them are beyond your on-site optimization efforts: Setting...
Rumors are spreading all over the blogosphere that Google and Digg are talking acquisition again as Google will be buying Digg for $200 million and...
In my previous post on the topic I summarized the theories behind Google Sitelinks. Now I would like to look into and also to ask...
Google has been known to issue out all kinds of penalties over the years; even Search Engine Journal was penalized a while back (or our...
I do prefer FireFox over other browsers. This can be a matter of a habit but I don’t know any other browser that can be...
Last month I attended a SEMPO New York networking event that featured an “In-House versus Agency” debate, in which the debaters argued the benefits of...
After my recent huge post on SEO tools was published, I promised to add the section for free online internal analytics services; but before that...
Finally, Yahoo’s woes regarding the proxy battle that Carl Icahn has waged against the Yahoo Board has ended. Both parties have agreed to settle the...
The Yahoo Plan B group, composed of 150 Yahoo stockholders with their 3.2 million Yahoo shares, are set to ask the current Yahoo leadership to...
As Yahoo continues to urge its shareholders to support them in the coming annual meeting and to prevent Icahn from influencing their decision, here comes...
This is another geo-targeting case study I decided to discuss at SEJ. Say you have one product and you plan to target two same-language countries:...
A lot of numbers relating to earnings, revenues and search advertising have just went out for all of us to consume. First we have this...
Yahoo’s Jerry Yang has sent out an email to Yahoo shareholders disclosing that the company is willing to sell itself to Microsoft for $33 per...
Less than half a month to go before the dreaded Yahoo Shareholders’ meeting, Yahoo’s Jerry Yang and Roy Bostock sent a joint letter to the...
We interrupt our regular coverage of the ongoing Yahoo-Microsoft tussle to focus on what could possibly be both companies’ fall back options. It seems like...
Like plural/ singular word forms, hyphenated terms also often pose a difficult SEO issues for us to solve – which version to use and optimize...
Legal Attorney Hal K. Levitte filed a complaint before the U.S. District Court in San Jose Calif. against Google for allegedly serving his AdWords’ ads...
An interesting discussion over at SearchEngineWatch Forum covers the way(s) of treating out-of-stock product pages that cannot be of any use to a visitor but...
Finally Microsoft issued a formal statement regarding the Google-Yahoo search ad deal. Brad Smith, Microsoft Corp. senior vice president and general counsel, questioned the legality...
Microsoft issued a statement clarifying that their proposal last Friday, which Yahoo rejected on Saturday, did not include a change of Yahoo governance. Interestingly, Microsoft...
Sometime in 2005, Google has launched the Code Search, a vertical search property that indexes and parses published source code on the web giving users...
Best of the Web is running a July offer which is giving its advertisers and online marketers 20% off of all advertisements, with the...
Last year tech sites were abuzz with rumors of the mythical Gphone – a mobile phone created by Google. Nothing came of it, and Google...
Excellent article by Dave Harry on the nuances of link building and keeping a diverse yet strategic keyword expansion plan in focus from the ground...
It didn’t take that long for the Yahoo Board to renounce the new proposal made by Microsoft and Carl Icahn to acquire Yahoo’s search business...
If you’re going to openly sell crap links on the footer of your site to Mesothelioma Lawyers, Ticket Scalpers, Personal Injury Law Firms and other...
“And then what will shareholders be left with? A weakened, Icahn-controlled Yahoo.” These were the last few words that Yahoo’s Jerry Yang said during his...
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