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Your source for all things search engine optimization (SEO), including breaking news, algorithm updates, guides, strategies, tactics, tips, trends, tools, and more!
The Google Webmaster Central Blog is discussing a pretty advanced topic on webserving techniques. For the novice webmasters, this topic may be a bit on...
Google Finance has updated its stock quote information with real time stock quotes from NASDAQ and some other global stock exchanges (stock quote disclaimer from...
Google updated their definition of ‘What is a Doorway Page’ last week (yeah, I know it’s been covered but Matt bought it up in his...
Many webmasters choose to buy already well-established domains that have a number of backlinks and can be easier (and faster) to promote. These might be:...
Microsoft wants to help publishers give their users a better web surfing experience by helping publishers replace the default 404 error page with relevant Microsoft...
As I mentioned last week, my intent wasn’t to live blog the events here at SMX Advanced in Seattle. So far that theory holds up...
Today Wikia Search (or referred to as Search Wikia, depending if you’re reading their logo or title), the search engine based on the idealism of...
There was apparently much more to the Microsoft-Yahoo merger story than many of us knew. Today the Wall Street Journal reports that a judge unsealed...
What was used to be known as Google Custom Search Business Edition is now donning a new name, a simpler and direct – Google Site...
The tie breaking Blog-Off to name the champion of the Search Engine Journal Guest Blogging Competition has begun, with an entry from John “the Hammer”...
For my Blog-off post, I wanted to do a piece which somehow tied back into my first contest post. Out of the 14 items, the...
As fate would have it, my 55 Quick SEO Tips Even Your Mother Would Love post (hint – read on for ten more bonus tips!)...
More and more webmasters become victims of hackers who put hidden links at their blogs. At Google Webmaster Groups I read daily approximately every tenth...
While there were some reports floating around that parts of Android might not be as open source as original thought, Google has come out and...
Microsoft has just announced that it has reached an agreement with HP for the installation of a Live Search-enabled toolbar on all HP consumer PCs...
The Wall Street Journal had a great piece on mobile marketing, “Advertisers to Consumer: We’ll Text You.” Do you have any text messaging advertising plans...
I live in a private community. At every entrance of the community there is a sign which reads ‘No Trespassing. No Soliciting. Private Community, Residents...
Nothing fancy here really. Just a little observation which I find rather amusing. While I was trying to Google the keywords – “myspace advertising”, I...
SMX Advanced kicks off in just two days! The conference is officially sold-out, but at Search Engine Journal Eric Lander and myself are bringing you...
Feedburner is announcing that Adsense for feeds will finally be rolled out next week for a few selected publishers, before a full launch soon. For...
There’s a craze sweeping the search engine marketing world, but thus far B2B marketers have been slow to catch on. In 2007, the leading general...
Twitter developer Alex Payne made a fairly transparent post about how Twitter is working to fix its performance issues and ongoing development work. If you...
When Google makes a change, the entire world listens; even when its something as tiny as changing its favorite icon image. Instead of the big...
The Obama campaign spent $3.47 million on online advertising over the course of its campaign to date, with 82% of that budget going to Google...
Recently I was contacted by a site owner who wanted to know why their site is not ranking highly on Google for certain terms, despite...
Google held its Google I/O developer conference yesterday, where it announced its Open App Engine to eager developers. As a take home, Google distributed Google...
Akamai has been around almost as long as the Internet itself, offering tracking and dynamic site solutions along with enterprise applications and streaming data. Celebrating...
comScore, Inc. announced the at they are acquiring M:Metrics, Inc., a pioneer in mobile measurement. The acquisition, according to comScore, will will make the company...
Next week Rhea Drysdale will be joining me in Seattle to cover the next Search Marketing Expo Event, SMX Advanced. This marks the second year...
An amusing thread was taking place over at WebmasterWorld discussing a way to prevent Google from ranking Robots.txt file in SERPs. Google currently indexes 62,100...
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