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Your source for all things search engine optimization (SEO), including breaking news, algorithm updates, guides, strategies, tactics, tips, trends, tools, and more!
Microsoft is still gunning for Yahoo in hopes that by acquiring the company they’d be able to take on and seriously compete with Google in...
Google AdWords has opened up demographic targeting (or demographic bidding) to all AdWords advertisers according to the Inside AdWords blog. Demographic bidding lets Google AdWords...
When Google launched its search within search feature, there was not too much reaction about it. One of the harshest reactions was a guest post...
Wikinear is a simple application that lets users to locate Wikipedia entries for locations nearest to where a user is currently located. It was designed...
While domain names with the TLD .info are highly associated with spam because of their low costs, the domains are not worthless or always associated...
I’m not a big Internet Explorer user but today I’m using IE as my browser of choice. I noticed that when I launch Skype and...
This week was an interesting one at Search Engine Strategies New York as for the first time, I effectively used online networking tools to connect...
This is my second natural SEO post attempting to foster FUD-free approach to search engine optimization. This time it’s about two most overused (but still...
The latest search engine results from comScore showed the almost the same trend in terms of ranking. Google still topped the charts beating once again...
Is the number radio-listening population in the U.S. that significant for Yahoo to consider running (or airing) ads on radio programs to promote its search...
Gigablast, a personal favorite and privately owned and operated search engine, just released the findings of their search “taste test” where the majority of study...
The best things about niche link building is that it is (1) highly effective, (2) looks natural, and (3) lets you find targeted audience and...
Google has launched its web portal for non-profit organizations. With various Google web tools available for non-profit organizations to use in their advocacy, development and...
We’re starting a new ongoing series here on Search Engine Journal of SearchToons, farside style cartoons depicting events in search engines and the search industry....
As search marketers, quality score has played a huge role in our campaigns determining our bids and positions in the search engines. I just attended...
Google Inc. lost their recent bid to obtain European Union-wide trademark protection for the term “Gmail”, the name of their web mail service. According to..., the semantics oriented meaning-based search engine, is now licensing its Ontological Semantic technology; hakia OntoSem. hakia OntoSem is a modular, extensible, and adaptable toolset...
If there is one company that should be reading Yahoo’s 2008 financial plan, it’s got to be Microsoft. The detailed financial plan for 2008 which...
Search Around the World : Europe and the UK : Andrew Girdwood of the UK, Thomas Bindl from Germany, Sebastian Langlois of France, and Joost...
If you are using paid search as one of your online marketing strategies (who isn’t, if you’re not, get with the program,) this was one...
How Relevant is Google PageRank? Reporting live from SES New York, Mike Grehan is moderating this open forum with Greg Boser, Dave Naylor and Jill...
What is a keyword modifier? A modifier is a word that in combination with your core keyword creates your long tail strategy (definition by Dan...
The intermixing of search and Facebook is minimal in terms of web search, as when I was browsing through the list of search oriented Facebook...
Microsoft announced that it is planning to buy Rapt Inc., an advertising yield management solution for digital media publishers. Microsoft is planning to integrate Rapt...
As the amount of spam coming from Gmail accounts has been increasing in recent months, some have suggested that spammers have come up with a...
Quality links to your website remain one of the strongest contributors to high organic rankings in search engines. Plus, a link from a popular website...
Some of our readers have noticed that recently Search Engine Journal has been popping up in their Facebook Social Maps and Twitter accounts, and have... was/is one of the most resourceful and innovative search engines on the market and has claimed a relatively significant chunk of online search market....
I plan on starting the short new series at SEJ explaining most dubious and controversial SEO questions from the keep-things-natural point of view. If you...
AOL has pulled off a major move in acquiring the social network Bebo for $850 million in cash from under the noses of Yahoo and...
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