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Your source for all things search engine optimization (SEO), including breaking news, algorithm updates, guides, strategies, tactics, tips, trends, tools, and more!
Google’s relationship with NASA got even more intimate as the search & technology company hosted NASA scientists yesterday on the Google Jet to witness and...
According to AP China has decided to restrict the broadcasting of Internet videos — including those posted on video-sharing Web sites — to sites run...
You got to give credit to ChaCha search for trying to compete with the major search engines through its own little ways. Although its human-powered...
To kick off the new year, the Google Operating System blog spoke about the downside of their ability to index pages faster: artifically boosting the...
After twelve years of existence, Yahoo finally shut down Yahoo Picks, a service which highlighted new and interesting sites on the web. Yahoo bid the... today introduced new voice-activated capabilities to its Mobile Directions service, dubbed “Click to Speak.” Click to Speak lets Mobile users speak their...
AOL has done everything it can to mangle the Netscape brand, which it purchased 10 years ago for $4.2 billion, into a disoriented web zombie,...
Yesterday Search Engine Watch covered the Nielsen break down of the amount of spending by industry for ‘sponsored links’ and ‘text links’ in online advertising....
Research, Research, Research! Personally, 2007 was the year I spent a few hours a day doing research on branding strategies, traffic strategies, news, etc. A...
While we all await the opening of Wikia, join me in taking a closer look at another one of ’em “meta-hybrid-social search engine” which just...
As I woke up this morning to greet the last day of 2007, I started thinking to myself the things I want to change for...
There’s a new kid on the online block named Knol and even this early in the development stage, some people are already predicting that it...
This is the second part of my series about bugs and usability issues with various Google services. My previous post was about Google Picasa and...
It’s the end of the year and I have a little gift for Google for the year 2008. It’s a summary of issues and bugs...
Every once in awhile its good to see other metasearch engine come out of the web. While the top five major search engines battle it...
The nominations for the Search Blogs Awards of 2007 have been compiled and we’re ready to have you vote for your favorite Search Blogs, Communities...
Launched about a year and a half ago, Otavo is famous as the intention engine. Headquartered at Canada, the engine is loosely coupled around search...
Doug Caverly of WebProNews is reporting that Google News has added coverage of the U.S. 2008 elections. The Official Google News Blog has announcement about...
Google announced a small change to Google Reader back on December 14 which seemed innocent enough, and in line with their goals of making all...
Google is making a push to expand its reach in the Yahoo owned Japanese market via targeting where the majority of Japanese users spend their...
Sam’s Club, the Wal-Mart owned mega store which is a godsend to small businesses looking to stock locally breaking dependency on wholesale distributors, is now...
The U.S. Court of Appeals ruled on Wednesday that Google’s AdSense program did not infringe on any patents as alleged by Hyperphrase Technologies. However the...
Google has blocked the serving of AdWords contextual (or AdSense) display ads in the European market of US lingerie company Pampered Passions because the company...
Riya launched, a visual search engine in the year 2006. Image search in its true spirit should be about the image only. Most image...
Last week was a trying week for me as on top of the normal day to day responsibilities of managing a search blog and a...
Engines which work on top of search engines has been a growing area ever since Web Search went mainstream. Most meta-search engines use content from...
Looks like Google is out to dominate the search engine battle this year. It has consistently topped search engine rankings from various web analytics reports...
Michael Arrington is reporting that WikiaSearch, Jimmy Wales’ much anticipated open-source search engine has actually launched, today. The closed announcement (mailed through the WikiaSearch mailing... announced today the completion of a $196 financing round, which they will use to complete a merger with SideStep Inc. and to pursue a...
In a pro-Big Media trend by government regulatory agencies, Google was just handed a huge Christmas present by the FTC, which voted 4 to 1...
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