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Your source for all things search engine optimization (SEO), including breaking news, algorithm updates, guides, strategies, tactics, tips, trends, tools, and more!
Not to be outdone with the recent news buzz about rivals Microsoft and Google, Yahoo does it end-of-the-year bang with its share of the web...
The Google-DoubleClick deal has been going for too long now, that it is already tiring to follow on how the development of the transactions has...
The press release lead says: Companies sign landmark multiyear deal to collaborate on content distribution, advertising, event promotions and gaming; Microsoft’s Atlas to become exclusive... is officially in the market for sale with a price tag of $300 million dollars. One of the most popular social media sites on...
Google’s application to bid in the upcoming 700 MHz spectrum auction next month has been accepted by the Federal Communications Comission (FCC). However, some of...
As we all know, link building has become a bit more difficult these days. Google has recently come out with a new campaign to filter...
Some segments of the search engine world, such as Ask and Powerset, are gambling on the idea that the future of search is in natural...
Despite the not so perfect reputation that affiliate marketing has are companies like Microsoft and even Google using this advertising and marketing channel with thousands...
Over the weekend, Google quietly began rolling out a new, centralized profile system that will supply personalized information to each of the Google products that...
The New York Times had an interesting piece in the paper over the weekend, which talked about an upcoming battle between Microsoft and Google. The...
If you want to get your video contents searchable via Google Video Search, you better start creating sitemaps for these videos. With the Google video...
Zuula is a meta search engine that presents information from multiple engines in a neat tabbed format. Its more of a portal to perform extensive...
Google is taking steps to relaunch their Google Answers service as a social content generation system similar to the Yahoo Answers model, and rebrand the...
On Friday, Microsoft launched their “Ultimate Steal” promotion, which allows university students from around the globe to create and customize their own avatar, or digital...
Good morning readers! It’s late December again and the search conferences have come to a finish, which means like in 2005 and 2006, Search Engine...
A lot can be deduced about the recent developments in Google’s online empire that past couple of months. New product launches, new features of current...
Netease, the company that operates popular portal and is big in offering online games has re-launched their search engine Yodao with some new features...
Matt Cutts wrote two weeks ago at his blog a post about selling links that pass PageRank. I wanted to comment at his blog, but...
Arnold Zafra posted about Google’s KNOL service (derived from the word “knowledge”) already on Friday here at Yesterday Brook Schaaf from Schaaf Consulting reported...
I wrote in November a long article for my website about the necessary steps for a business to successfully engage in organic search engine optimization....
2007 is almost done and gone, and in the land of search it’s time for the annual year-end reviews. Both Yahoo and have already...
Google has always tried to be a bit different than other search powered portals, insisting first that it is not a portal and then either...
Video marketing is not only one of today’s leading means to market a service, product or business online but it is positioned to become even...
Google will soon launch its Knowledge Portal which is in more ways than one similar to Wikipedia. Codename: Knol, which stands for a “unit of...
Aaron at SEO Book has partnered with Wordtracker to release a new & improved keyword tracking tool just in time for the holidays (forgive me,...
User Interfaces to search engines have not undergone much change since the last decade. When it comes to searching for URLs, perhaps the vanilla single-text-box-list-of-result...
Starting this week or next, Google will be adding blogs as new feature in its Universal Search results. What’s this mean? According to Marissa Mayer,...
Yahoo worked on this Plugin with the help of WordPress, and being a lifelong WordPress user (SEJ first started on Blogger, then switched to b2;...
Canadian cable and telecom giant Rogers Communications has begun testing new technology on its high-speed internet service that inserts Rogers-centric messages and advertisements on third-party...
Google has been testing the placement of product and video results on the right side of the Google results page, which is valuable real estate...
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