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Your source for all things search engine optimization (SEO), including breaking news, algorithm updates, guides, strategies, tactics, tips, trends, tools, and more!
Microsoft is working on the Smart Blogroll, a way for bloggers and blog readers to learn more about the information and topics discussed on blogs....
The question on many people’s minds since the recent PR warfare between Google/YouTube and Viacom (and NBC) is: will YouTube retain its dominance or will...
Alexa has added some new enhancements to its Traffic Details information pages which offer geographic and audience reach information. Sites can now track their Traffic...
The Dmoz Meta Admin “Motsa” just updated today the status of the technical problems over at the Open Directory Project, You can see the...
I’m playing the devil’s advocate here, so keep that in mind in case I end up trampling all over anything you hold dear 🙂 Google...
Earlier this year, in January, the WSJ (sub req’d) speculated that Googlewas acquiring Adscape Media, which inserts ads into video game. The company launched in...
I recently had the privilege of interviewing Garrett Camp of StumbleUpon, which recently reached 1.8 million users. I typed four pages of notes in 8...
Yahoo has launched a new public voting system on their Suggestion Boards which lets users contribute, comment and vote on feedback given by Yahoo users...
Krugle, Inc., which is a code search engine for developers, has announced it will supply search functionality for the Yahoo! Developer Network. The Yahoo Developer...
I know, I know. You probably ask yourself: “already?”. Okay for all the busy or retired Search Marketers out there (because you are one or...
YouTube is offering no refuge for users who uploaded copies of Fox Television’s 24 and Simpsons according to’s ASPnews. A 20th Century Fox spokesperson...
Ever wonder what it would be like to sift through bins of thousands of items like one would at a flea market or a mall,...
So says the new SEMPO “State of Search Engine Marketing 2006? report as summarized in MediaPost today: SEMPO also found that marketers who migrate budgets...
It seems the battle about news scraping continues in Belgium. From Reuters: A Belgian court ruled on Tuesday that Google may not reproduce extracts from...
MSN Tech & Gadgets posted their review of the three biggest threats on the Internet for 2007; IE, phishing attacks, and malware. Even Microsoft agrees...
ReviewMe is the sponsored blogger review advertising network which is owned by Text Link Ads (TLA is an SEJ advertiser, but this is not a...
In a recent AP article, IAC’s Chairman of the Board Barry Diller was quoted as saying that not only is the glue which keeps...
Yahoo is using its International appeal to jumpstart its mobile advertising efforts by signing Hilton Embassy Suites, Nissan, Pepsi, Proctor & Gamble, Asia-Pacific and Singapore...
Last week in China – An Open Letter to Google The last week has been quiet on the Chinese Internet front. Maybe it has something...
The Nofollow attribute indicates if the source of the link “trusts” the destination of it. Trust is a very critical element in human relations and...
Barry Schwartz points to a WebmasterWorld thread where a Yahoo Search Marketing representative, YahooSarah, posts an explanation of Yahoo’s new Quality Index Score system. Basically,...
iCrossing announced today that they will be acquiring Spannerworks, a UK based search engine marketing firm, for $18 million. Spannerworks is a 10 year old...
MyBlogLog has been expanding rapidly in terms of use and popularity ever since Yahoo acquired it in January and is now looking for someone to...
You think that things will become a bit normal again after the flood of posts all over the internet after David Pasternack’s 3rd negative post...
Yahoo has launched a fairly impressive visual programming environment for the creation of customized mashups called Yahoo Pipes. Why pipes? “The name of the service...
Over at Search Engine Land, Greg Sterling posted about a Google Maps sticker which was spotted at a London restaurant: Smart! The technique is usually...
It seems that some Yahoo advertisers are having problems with the new Yahoo Search Marketing’s bulk upload feature and user accounts becoming deactivated. Florian Reichling...
New NBC Universal CEO Jeff Zucker blasted Google-owned YouTube on Wednesday, complaining YouTube wasn’t doing enough to stop users from uploading copyrighted clips of NBC...
Carsten Cumbrowski, a Search Engine Journal columnist, has developed a tool which some webmasters may find useful. It converts the .CSV files which can be...
MySpace has made an interesting move by protecting the branded domains which have been registered by MySpace users. MySpace is not letting corporations take...
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