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Your source for all things search engine optimization (SEO), including breaking news, algorithm updates, guides, strategies, tactics, tips, trends, tools, and more!
Philipp Lenssen of Google Blogoscoped has picked up on a slight adjustment to Google Webmaster Guidelines in terms of penalizing sites. Previous Google Webmaster Guidelines:...
About two weeks ago I received a call from my friend Brian Smith of SingleFeed and Comparison Engines for some feedback on the addition of...
Andy Hagans, the laziest man in SEO, has put together his Ultimate Guide to Link Baiting and Social Media Marketing which covers the art of...
Sure, SEO, Social Media Optimization and Paid Search Marketing can drive hordes of highly targeted traffic to your web site. But is your site’s structure,...
The Google Operating System Blog has the scoop on a new Google tool called “Presently” will let users convert documents into PowerPoint style presentations including...
After experiencing a lot of downtime last week, Yahoo Search Marketing’s Overture Keyword Selector tool is up and running again. Search engine marketers and search...
Yahoo Search Marketing has upgraded is expected to upgrade their ad ranking system from an auction bidding model to their Marketplace Design system today by...
Yahoo Publisher Network has made some updates to its quality guidelines and program policies. The change which sticks out the most is the limitation of...
Chad and Steve (and their investors) have to be glad they don’t own YouTube anymore. After failing to reach an agreement (apparently) with Viacom, YouTube...
Muhammad Saleem, the new addition to the Pronet Advertising blog, today made a post exposing how the owner of a site named tried to...
Charlie Rose interviewed Bill Gates last November on Microsoft Vista and Gary Price yesterday spotted that PBS reran the show, there is now a transcript,...
SuperPages has had user reviews for some time. Today it announced “Reviewer of the Week,” a competition seeking to drive more engagement and more reviews....
Just in time for a 1,500 mile road trip tomorrow, AOL owned MapQuest has announced the launch of their new MapQuest Gas Price Finder which...
A recent ComScore study showed that in 2006 International usage of Google grew 13%, projecting it to the #2 spot in the Top Global Web...
Lee Odden of TopRank has interviewed MyBlogLog’s CEO Scott Rafer about the success of MyBlogLog and how it feels to be the newest delivery to...
Now that Yahoo Search Marketing’s Overture Keyword Suggestion Tool is on the fritz and there are really no signs of it coming back to life...
Did you notice that the last post by Mr. David Pasternack, titled ” “Is SEO “rocket science?â€: A Q&A with Dave Pasternack” from January, 23rd...
SEO, social media optimization & link building experts Neil Patel and Cameron Olthuis have announced on their Pronet Advertising blog that they have been hired...
Google’s 2006 Q4 earnings beat Wall Street expectations when they announed today that revenues were up 67% over Q4 2005 and 16% more than last...
Remember the Yahoo Wii site which built an original Wii information experience by using Yahoo Answers information, Flickr photos, user reviews and links to other...
StumbleUpon, the web surfing social network, is hands down a long term traffic builder for blogs, online businesses, and Web 2.0 services. For a quick...
Flickr, the photo publishing, sharing & tagging network, has just announced that they will be cancelling their older email address based login system, and migrating...
There have been reports around the Internet today about Yahoo Search Marketing canceling the Overture Keyword Selector Tool, which has been a staple of Keyword...
Barry Schwartz at Search Engine Land points to a Google Blog posting that announces Google will be displaying local results with reviews and links to...
Want to show off the incoming links to your site? Yahoo Site Explorer has now come out with a badge for publishers & bloggers to...
Cameron Olthuis announced this morning that ACS is launching a new personalized social media search tool, Serph, which will let users find what “other people...
Microsoft is pumping out a global $500 million Vista advertising campaign which is expected to serve 6.6 billion impressions in the first few months. Marketing...
Google Earth and the Discovery Channel have worked together to bring “sunrise on demand.” The two have introduced a new layer on Google Earth which...
Gary Price ran across a Yahoo7 (Yahoo Australia) service which text messages Yahoo Bookmarks to the mobile phone. From Yahoo7: A Yahoo! mobile bookmark (or...
Remember, the porn search engine which took advantage of the Google layout, logo and name association when it first launched? Well according to,...
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