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Your source for all things search engine optimization (SEO), including breaking news, algorithm updates, guides, strategies, tactics, tips, trends, tools, and more!, parent company of Yahoo China, made a ‘strategic investment’ in, which is one of China’s largest classified listing and community websites. According to...
More than likely speculation, yesterday FORTUNE published a piece on rumors that Yahoo is in the hunt to purchase AOL from under Google’s feet. *...
Despite the documented problems over the years, businesses and web development firms are continuing to use a flash base in site design, without regard of...
I’m a sporadic Flickr user, posting an image or screen capture from time to time, and have not really gotten as into the Flickr experience...
A recent post on DigitalPoint proves the importance of forking over the cash for a dependable web hosting company as one member notes that after...
Internal company papers from Google somehow found their way outside of the Googleplex and into the hands of Google Blogoscoped’s Philipp Lenssen. Philipp has not...
Yahoo has added another company blog to their growing internal blogroll, the Yahoo Search Marketing Blog. For those of you who may be wondering why...
Tim Mayer has stuck to his word and Yahoo Search has implemented support for a No Open Directory Project (DMOZ) tag. Priyak Garg posts on...
Since‘s launch in October 2004 the site has featured job vacancies with leading Search Engine Marketing and Search Engine Optimization (SEO) firms in both...
Michael Arrington writes on Techcrunch that Digg has recently been in multiple acquisition discussions with a host of potential buyers, including News Corp.’s Fox Interactive....
After just reading a story on how local businesses are using MySpace to bring in customers, I also ran across this amazing CNN coverage of...
The Courier Journal of Kentucky is running a story on the success of local businesses which are promotiing on via setting up MySpace profiles....
In an effort to fully understand the technology and offerings behind Google Custom Search Engine, I have changed Blog Search Engine’s search index over to...
Google is launching its Google Custom Search Engine tomorrow now, which will let users & publishers construct their own specialized Google search indexes made up...
Some good news from Incisive media just came into my Inbox, Danny Sullivan will be sticking around and helping to run and skipper the Search...
AOL Video is expanding the content available on its site through a deal with several content partners, the most visible of which is Viacom’s Paramount...
Popular Searches in China Google Zeitgeist published the popular Chinese searches in the month August. Google added China again to its monthly zeitgeist in March...
When registering with a web portal, social network or search engine, privacy is always a concern since the companies one registers with are tracking large...
Every so often I check back in on AdWords. Quite some time ago now the company “bifurcated” AdWords into a simplified “Starter Edition” and a...
Yahoo braced the world and its investors at a Goldman Sachs investment conference last month when Yahoo CEO Terry Semel told investors that a slowdown...
Google published its 2006 Q3 earnings results yesterday which helped to fortify Google’s dominance of web search, search engine marketing, and online advertising as a...
One of my responsibilities as a professional blogger in the search engine news world is to keep taps on the many search engine marketing and...
Over at Search Engine Watch, Brian Smith takes a deep look in to Microsoft’s answer to Smart Answers and Yahoo Shortcuts; Instant Answers....
StumbleUpon is definitely becoming one of the major Internet navigation and social bookmarking experience sites in the business, and is continuing to grow with smart...
Here’s what the shape of some of the future content and ad deals will look like on video sites (similar to what’s happening over at...
Lee Odden at the Top Rank Blog lists the positives of gaining visibility for a business, site or organization within the News Search Engines of...
Interesting news from the MP3 download cold war going on between the record industries and, the Russian MP3 download site which sells songs and...
Chris Pirillo received an interesting call from StumbleUpon’s Director of Advertising Sales the other morning, which was a sales call for advertising within the StumbleUpon...
One of my favorite online marketing ‘hobbies’ is brainstorming domain names for sites, products, companies and blogs. Admittingly enough, I probably find myself spending about...
Looking for alternatives to generating revenue only via Google AdSense? Blogger John Chow has put together an intense list of online advertising options and networks...
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