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Your source for all things search engine optimization (SEO), including breaking news, algorithm updates, guides, strategies, tactics, tips, trends, tools, and more!
Google Blog & Click-to-Call Hoax A rather bizarre post was made to the Blogger powered and Blogspot hosted Official Google Blog over the course of... Growing Up is breaking its mold of the teenage online hotspot and is attracting more of an older crowd according to a recent...
Google Wins Keyword Trademark Ruling Barry Schwartz at Search Engine Watch posts on a legal victory for Google (I totally missed it) that basically allows...
Google Blog Search Adds Ping Service Google has added a pinging service to its Blog Search offering. Dubbed Google Blog Search Pinging Service, now bloggers...
Google Code Search Exposes WinZip Serial Number Info Found via, seems that some simple searches on the new Google Code Search will expose some... Becoming a Social Network? Read/Write Web spoke with Joshua Schachter, the daddy of and 10 month Yahoo employee, who was recently honored by...
Google Code Search for Public Source Code Over the course of the evening Google Code Search went live as a search engine which has the...
Online Gambling : Affiliate Party’s Over Last weekend the US Congress passed a bill which will outlaw Internet gambling in the United States. The new...
AOL OpenRide Desktop Application AOL is heading in a new direction with the launch today of OpenRide, a desktop application which integrates AOL email search,...
New Google Groups Beta Google has come out with a new version of Google Groups Beta which is available for testing by Google Account users.... Search Engine Adds Labs, Features and Redesign Vivisimo Search Technology has redesigned its two year old ‘clustering search engine’,, and has added new...
Amazon’s A9 Search Drops Block View & Yellow Pages Amazon-owned A9 never had much consumer usage but it was one of the most innovative and...
Halloween Specials from Text Link Ads & BOTW Gearing up your link building and online marketing for the holiday shopping season. October is one awesome..., the popular free local online classifieds site, as formed a relationship with MySpace partner SimplyHired, the search engine for jobs, to list all five...
Yahoo Search Marketing Upgrade Information It’s almost Q4 2006 and Yahoo Search Marketing has sent out a notice to its advertisers yesterday about the new...
Google’s SearchMash : Google 2.0 After acquiring several related domain names last week, Google has estinguished the rumor flames of their Search Mashup ambitions with...
Spam Digg For Only $20 A site dubbed User/Submitter is taking the manipulation of Digg to higher levels with a service that pays users $.50...
SEO and Click Distance Click distance is the number of clicks it takes to get to a web page or document from the homepage of...
Google Buys Its Startup Garage No, Google has not purchased Guy Kawasaki’s Garage Technology Ventures. In the feel good story of the day, Google has...
What Exactly is Web 2.0? What is Web 2.0? This is a discussion that now may seem tired – and was vigorously kicked around months...
Alexa : Worthless & Easy to Manipulate? This week blogger John Chow revisited the 8 year old argument on the value of Alexa ranking. Alexa...
Domains, Branding & Web 2.0 If you’re a traditional (offline) company you can create a domain name that doesn’t identically match your company name. For...
Only A Moron Would Buy YouTube Is YouTube the darling success story of Bubble 2.0 or a legal train wreck waiting to happen? Mark Cuban...
Google Reader Update : Tags, Sharing, Blogging Google has taken its blog & feed aggregator, Google Reader, to the next level with an across the...
Yahoo Search Teams with HP Computers Yahoo has signed another search toolbar and home page distribution partnership with a large computer manufacturer, this time Hewlett-Packard...
Google & Yahoo Driving Local Search Growth Last night comScore released a new analysis of the size and growth of the local search market in...
eBay China Rumors A lot of rumours about the future of eBay’s China division (eBay Eachnet) and its PayPal service are finding its way over...
Google Outage on Major US ISP There was apparently a major (or minor, depending on how you look at it) Google outage on Tuesday which...
Librarians’ Internet Index Adds New Search Technology One of the most trusted and quality oriented directories on the Internet, the Librarians’ Internet Index (or vs YouTube : Online Video Wars MySpace and YouTube are beginning to duke it out over which site serves the most online videos and...
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