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Your source for all things search engine optimization (SEO), including breaking news, algorithm updates, guides, strategies, tactics, tips, trends, tools, and more!
Google Documentary on GUBA Peter Da Vanzo points to a documentary on Google, Google : Behind The Screen, which is available for downloading or viewing...
Feedster Gets New President & Funding Feedster, the blog & feed search and subscription engine, announced today that Tyler Goldman will join its Board of...
Google Selling Radio Advertising Soon? TechToolBlog reports that Google AdWords is sending out surveys on radio advertising which is a powerful clue that Google might...
Yahoo Publisher Network Holding Focus Groups Yahoo Publisher Network is holding a focus group in San Francisco and inviting publishers in the California area according...
Weighing & Yahoo Popularity Yesterday Hitwise sent out a press release stating that was the most popular site on the Internet during the...
SEOMoz Page Strength Tool : Replacing Google PageRank? SEOMoz has put together a new tool which Rand & Co. feel can “replace the often inaccurate...
Interview with Laura Lippay, SEO Program Manager for Yahoo Lee Odden has recently interviewed Yahoo’s SEO Program Manager, Laura Lippay, to find out exactly what...
Yahoo News Looking for Vietnam & Korean War Video and Experiences In what may prove to be the testing ground (or possibly killing fields) of...
Bebo Turns Down $550 Million? TechCrunch reports that up-and-coming social networking site Bebo, which has caught MySpace in the UK, has declined a $550 million...
Yahoo and Hispanic Digital Network Partner with Search Distribution Agreement Yahoo! and the Hispanic Digital Network (HDN) have entered into an exclusive, multi-year Web and... Most Popular Site in America In a sign of the times, has overtaken Yahoo Mail and Google Search as the most visited web...
Google Call Center in Ann Arbor, Michigan? Being reported in several places today is Google’s stated intention to open a “research center” in Ann Arbor,...
Move Over Google GDrive, Here Comes Windows ‘Live Drive’ Besides the launch of Yahoo’s Trip Planner, Monday’s more generalized search engine news was hovering around...
Yahoo Trip Planner : Social Media Bearing Fruit Trip Planner was Yahoo!’s user-generated content travel experiment until today, when it came out of beta. And...
Google AdWords Algorithm & Landing Page Quality Update Google AdWords will be making some changes to its ad serving algorithm which rates the quality of...
Google’s Eric Schmidt on Click Fraud ‘Let It Happen’ Google CEO Eric Schmidt will have some answering to do at Search Engine Strategies San Jose...
Google GDrive Being Tested Signs of Google GDrive have surfaced, apparently via a bug in Writely which revealed the Google GDrive homepage. Blogger Corsin Camichel...
Jingle and MerchantCircle Team for 411 Service Jingle will distribute MerchantCircle “plus” ($99 per mo) level advertisers over its 1800-Free-411 DA service. This is good...
W3C PageRank 9 Links for Only $83 a Month! For a donation of only $1,000 per year you too can be a supporter of the... Responds to NoFollow Controversy Lane Soelberg of dropped by Threadwatch today to address the nofollow tag controversy which came to life yesterday...
Naymz Interview: Tom Drugan on Identity Management and His Roots in Orbitz SEM I recently interviewed Tom Drugan of Naymz, a paid search identity management...
eBay Bans Google Checkout Payment System eBay has added Google Checkout, Google’s new shopping & payment system, to its list of payment services which are... Using NoFollow on Listings For those of you in the SEO world who are purchasing listings on hoping that the $199 a year...
dirSpace Directory Review : SEO & Links The SEO world seems to be fueled by three or four sources; links, content, traffic, reputation and co...
SEO for Firefox : SEO Extension from SEObook Aaron Wall, no stranger to SEO oriented tools, has introduced a new SEO extension for Firefox from...
Yahoo! 4th of July Mashup SiliconBeat points to a nice mashup Yahoo! put together (promoted on Yahoo! Local) to help Americans find local July 4th...
YouTube is the Google of Video Following in MySpace’s footsteps, YouTube is a bona fide phenomenon online. Depending on whom you believe, YouTube either had...
Is Pay-Per-Percentage An Alternative to PPC & Click Fraud? Shimon Sandler points to a Microsoft Research paper on the Pay-Per-Percentage advertising model and it being...
Yahoo China Target of Music Industry Lawyers Yahoo China has become the expected target of a copyright infringement lawsuit as record companes are preparing to...
Google Pages Allowing Google AdSense Ads Google Page Creator, the site building and hosting service offered by Google and launched this year, is now allowing...
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