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Your source for all things search engine optimization (SEO), including breaking news, algorithm updates, guides, strategies, tactics, tips, trends, tools, and more!
Matt Cutts Speaks on Google & Toolbar Data Lee Odden of TopRank recently wrote Google’s Matt Cutts on the issue of Google using user toolbar...
MySpace: Next Generation Yellow Pages? There’s yet another in a series of almost daily articles on MySpace in the NY Times today. The piece reviews...
10 Years of LookSmart – Visual Timeline If someone were to ask you which search engines or directories have been in business for the last...
‘Local’ Search on Microsoft Search the word “Local” on MSFT’s and what do you get? 1. 2. . . . In...
Real World SEO : Motivate Your Customers to Link Yesterday I made a guest blogging post at the V7N Search Marketing Blog on how a... CEO Steve Berkowitz Leaves for Microsoft Microsoft has announced the hiring of former CEO Steve Berkowitz to head Microsoft’s Online Business Group. The...
Miss PubCon Boston? No You Didn’t. Read the PubCon Blog Round Up! I searched Google News, Google blog search (lots of fresh blog posts –...
Google Social Calendar Matt Booth, who took over my job at The Kelsey Group, points to a post at Google Blogoscoped, which has a list...
Yahoo Visual Timeline 1996-2006 Philipp Lessen has put together an interesting visual timeline of Google’s homepage and the expansion of its services at Google Blogoscoped...
Google AdSense Publisher Payout Dropping? Google released its outstanding first quarter figures yesterday which reported a 60% jump to $2.25 Billion in revenues. One reason...
Google Rebrands Local into Google Maps Last October Google merged Google Maps into their local search application and branded the end product Google Local. Like...
Google Q1 Results: $2.25 Billion in Revenues Google net profit jumped 60% on revenues of $2.25 billion. From the IR release: Revenues – Google reported...
PaperRank Implemented on Google Scholar Today Google launched a new feature over at Google Scholar – a system that ranks scholarly papers and information based...
Google Base Car Search Appearing in Organic Results Looks like in addition to Google Real Estate, there are some new Google Autos search boxes popping...
Accoona Launches ‘Talking Search Bar’ Say what you will about Accoona, they are a bit different when it comes to launching new products and promotions....
Aloha Garrett French, Welcome to Search Engine Journal I’d like to extend a warm welcome to the latest contributing columnist to Search Engine Journal, Garrett...
Yahoo’s Meedio Purchase & Yahoo! Broadcast Scenario On Monday Yahoo acquired “most of” Meedio’s technology and all of its staff (looks like about 5 guys?)....
Search Engine Strategies Tokyo & Yahoo Search Marketing After three hours of train travel and navigating the underground corridors of Tokyo’s subway and train stations,...
Click Fraud Lower on Major Search Engines Shows CF Index CNET reporter Elinor Mills posts about a new Click Fraud Index, which reflects relatively low...
Yahoo Publisher Network Pubcon Boston Party Like the rest of the Search Engine Optimization and Marketing world, Lee Odden is at Boston’s Webmaster World PubCon...
Technorati Says Blogosphere Doubles Every 6 Months David Sifry, founder & CEO of Technorati, has a post that details the remarkable growth of blogs. He...
SimplyHired Job Search Engine Receives Fox Interactive Funding Om Malik reports that Fox Interactive Media and Foundation Capital have ventured into the jobs search engine...
Yahoo Q1 Earnings: Revenues Up, Profit Down According to the WSJ (sub. req’d), Yahoo!’s net income declined 22%, while revenues were up 34%: Yahoo, based...
Ask Japan : Searching Outside the Box, owned locally and somewhat independently in Japan by a customer service call center firm, has been doing...
Attending Search Engine Strategies Tokyo On Thursday I’ll be packing up the laptop, business cards, digital camera & Japanese-English Dictionary and heading into Tokyo to... Adds Zango Videos and Online Games The blinkx multimedia search engine and desktop search company has partnered with to include online games, videos,...
Search Engine Blog’s Peter Da Vanzo Blogging at V7N Peter Da Vanzo, who pretty much initiated the search engine blogging phenomena with, is now...
Mike Grehan Wants You! With the vibrant world of bookmarking, user behavior tracking, site popularity measurement and the growing amount of linking opportunities on the...
Google AdSense Text Size Expands With Site We had a guest over this weekend using my computer for a bit and the guest asked if...
Business Week on Local Search This BusinessWeek Article has been around for awhile apparently, but I just stumbled upon it (although I was interviewed for...