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Your source for all things search engine optimization (SEO), including breaking news, algorithm updates, guides, strategies, tactics, tips, trends, tools, and more! Blog Network Outage In what may just be an Easter fluke, it seems that the entire Blog Network is down for the day,...
MSN Social & Windows Live Answers Microsoft’s foray into social search received a large amount of press this week after a Business Week article entitled...
Microsoft’s Social Search Plans & Eurekster Microsoft’s MSN is planning on the launch of a social search and question-and-answer service which is bound to try...
Paris Hilton Pics & Google Image Search Optimization DaveN points at a screenshot of a Google search result with Paris Hilton doing …. well nevermind....
Google Voice Recognition Search Patent From ArsTechnica: Patent #7,027,987 issued today by the US Patent and Trademark Office covers a “Voice interface for a search...
Dabble Launches & Online Video Viewing Behavior Study In a bid to become the Flickr of video (which is also what YouTube is going for),...
Washington Post & Oodle : Aggregated DC Classifieds Marketplace The Washington Post has been doing some very interesting things online lately. And today, it has...
Google Local’s New Head is Real Estate and Newspaper Classified Expert Peter Krasilovsky at Local Online has the scoop and background info on Sam Sebastian,...
IceRocket Blog Search Engine Acquired by Think Partnership Add a little dash of irony to this Hattip as Andy Beal notes on his Marketing Pilgrim...
Google Calendar Launches & Exceeds Expectations Google Calendar is now live and running after months of speculation and anticipation by the search and tech communities....
Google Calendar Live – Are There Google Calendar Privacy Issues? Yes, the highly anticipated Google Calendar is now live at, for all your calendar...
Yahoo Travel, FareChase, and APIs Yahoo just announced the general availability of FareChase: Yahoo! FareChase (which is now in general availability) is a travel search...
IRS & TurboTax Top AOL Last Minute Tax Searches Saturday will be April 15th and Tax Day for the hundreds of millions of Americans who...
Verizon Testing Pay Per Call in Print Yellow Pages Verizon is taking a page from the Search Engine Marketing handbook and applying it to the...
BlueFind Web Directory Back From the Dead? Remember BlueFind, the staff reviewed & edited web directory from John Scott of Remember back in the...
Yahoo! Maps Adds Satellite & Aerial Photography After some careful watching and waiting, Yahoo! has decided to match Google and Microsoft/Windows Live Local, adding satellite...
Windows Live Academic Search from Microsoft is Live Windows Live Academic Search ( has been released by Microsoft in seven different countries with the intention...
Windows Live Product Search from Microsoft A lot of buzz going on right now about the possible launching of Windows Live Academic Search sometime soon,... Offering Full Episodes of Desperate Housewives & Lost With CBS partnering finding a partner in Google Video, then deciding to bypass Google Video by...
Time Warner and SpotRunner : AdWords for Television Google has stuck their fingers in print media and radio, trying to integrate the AdWords format of...
Google Rankings via Linkbaiting Blogs At Problogger, Martin Roth (Darren is on vacation) has posted his Case Study on using blogs to gather top Google...
Ranting About Google AdSense Click Fraud Allegations Google is denying ‘ millionaire‘ (I think I know about 50 dot com millionaires) Benjamin Cohen payment for...
Niall Kennedy Joins Windows Live Team Formerly of Technorati, Niall Kennedy has announced that he is joining Windows Live “to create a new product team...
Mystery of the Yahoo Sock Monkey on YPN Blog The Yahoo Publisher Network launched their YPN Blog today which will serve as a question &... is a Monster in the Job Search Engine Market This according to the InternetStockBlog: “Monster is the leader in a business that many, many...
How To Link Spam Wikipedia Peter Davis was sifting through Wikipedia one day and came across some obvious spam links and after striking up some...
Google Cache : Searching Wikipedia When It’s Down Google’s cache of the indexable Internet may have its controversies with copyright lawyers, but when it comes...
YPNBlog Launches : Yahoo Publisher Network Blog Community Even though Yahoo Publisher Network remains in an invite only Beta offering, it is growing larger by...
Google Toolbar Turning Homepage into Google’s My Yahoo The Google (RSS) Reader, which I like, has met with mixed reviews and limited adoption (so far)....
Yahoo, eBay and MSN Recruiting SEO Experts UK based Search Engine War has the goods on SEO recruitment efforts by MSN, eBay and Yahoo; which...