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Your source for all things search engine optimization (SEO), including breaking news, algorithm updates, guides, strategies, tactics, tips, trends, tools, and more!
Yahoo, eBay and MSN Recruiting SEO Experts UK based Search Engine War has the goods on SEO recruitment efforts by MSN, eBay and Yahoo; which...
Giant Eva Longoria Attacks Google Earth Maxim Magazine and Google have pulled off one mammoth publicity stunt with a 75 x 110 foot Maxim cover...
Search Engine Journal Booted From Yahoo Search!? Last weekend Priyank Garg, the Product Manager of Yahoo Search, made a post to the Yahoo Search Blog...
Google & Earthlink Selected for San Francisco Wi-Fi Project Google and Earthlink today were awarded the projects of supplying the city of San Francisco with...
MSN Search Down For 4 Hours Today There are numerous accounts coming in from around the web that MSN Search was down for about 3...
Google Romance Powered by Google Base, & Porn Although Google Romance may have been an April Fools joke, the opportunity to find love or...
Yahoo MyWeb Improvements Yahoo!’s MyWeb is a terrific tool for saving and sharing content that was not as useful for groups as it might be....
YouTube a Yahoo Takeover Target? CNET reports on video site phenomenon YouTube getting $8 million in new VC funding. Dare I say it: YouTube is... Shopping Search Enters Japan Market has formed a joint venture with Transcosmos Corporation of Japan to launch Become Japan, which is the first...
Search Marketing & SEO Job Openings at Fortune Interactive I was thinking about posting job openings here at Search Engine Journal today and just as...
Yahoo Finance Message Boards Beta Goes Social We touched a bit upon the addition of User Ratings to the Yahoo Finance Message Boards earlier today...
Yahoo, Spyware & Clickless Click Fraud Click fraud without clicks? Yahoo Search Marketing’s dealings with adware companies has always left a sour taste i nthe...
Google Loves BOTW – You Should Too The last week has felt like a trip in Bob Massa’s Magical SEO Time Machine as Directory listings,...
Yahoo Finance Adds User Ratings Yahoo has now added user powered ratings to its Yahoo Finance channel which helps identify the messages in the Yahoo...
Google Related Links Launches For Publishers Google has a new publisher oriented offering in Google Related Links, which is a text box that can be...
Hollywood To Offer Video Downloads via MovieLink & CinemaNow The effects of iPod, Google Video, Mark Cuban, YouTube and other video search and download on...
AOL Shrinks Sites Down to Mobile Browser Size AOL has announced the launch of a new mobile web browsing service which automatically adapts web sites...
Google & Baidu Dominate China Search Market Google and Baidu are the two dominant search engines in the Chinese market with a combined 90% market... Browser Bookmarks Import Tool introduced a new import tool for transferring your existing browser bookmarks from Firefox, IE, Safari or Opera into live...
April’s Fools Jokes via the Search Engines Beyond the Google Aliens and Google Romance Contextual Dating April Fools hoaxes, there were also a number of...
Google Romance BETA Launches with Contextual Dating Saturday was April Fools day and Google stuck to the tradition of their previous April Fools pranks of...’s Local Search & Pay Per Call Partnerships [I’ve had some readers email me and mention that the original version of this post, Building...
Google Local Business Ads (Beta) Launches Google AdWords and Google Local are working together to bring response driven advertising to local businesses with the new...
Chinese Journalist’s Family May Take Yahoo to Court Yahoo may become the target of legal action by the family of Shi Tao, a Chinese journalist...
YouTube 10 Minute Limit Deters Copyrighted Video Uploads YouTube has taken action to prevent the uploading of copyrighted material into its video hosting, sharing and...
Co citation & SEO Linking Jim Boykin has a rather nice go over with Co citation, which is a way some search engines measure a...
Directories Ranked by Inbound Link Quality Have a directory submittal budget set aside as part of your site’s SEO and link building campaign but not...
Paid Links & Google: Hot Argument at SEOMoz In a nice question and answer session on the Matt Cutts blog this week, Matt answers a...
Bizarro World : Associated Press Plagiarizing Blogs Larisa Alexandrovna at The Huffington Post shares an account of her material and ideas being stolen by an...
Google Foundation Working with TechnoServe in Ghana Google has announced on the Google Blog that the Google Foundation is now working with Technoserve, an organization...