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Your source for all things search engine optimization (SEO), including breaking news, algorithm updates, guides, strategies, tactics, tips, trends, tools, and more!
Lawsuit Asks Google to Reveal Algorithm U.K.-based, a “search engine” for parents of young children, has sued Google on the basis that its organic...
Baidu & Nokia Team for Mobile Search in China is in agreement with Nokia to offer a mobile search on several Chinese Nokia cell...
Google Says No to MSN Search on Blogger? Threadwatch points to a blogger’s account of Google not being too happy with the placement of an...
Yahoo! Local News Following the footsteps of Topix . . . Yahoo! Launches a Local News Beta. Here’s an example of San Francisco; here’s New...
Google & Nike Team for Football (Soccer) Community Just in time for the World Cup Google and Nike have joined forces to launch,...
Google Victorious in DOJ Search Data & URL Ruling Google has announced that it will not be forced to hand over its search query information...
Link Building via DMOZ : You Down with ODP? Yeah and Technorati are excellent 2.0 tools for pinpointing active sites for enhanced organic link...
New (Beta) Yahoo Local News This from Son-of-a-Pitch; Yahoo News is now offering Yahoo Local News headlines, something that Topix actually has been doing for...
He Loves Google, He Loves Them Not Unless today is the first day you’ve entered the SEO landscape, you are likely to be familiar with...
Google AdWords Starter Edition’s Darren Rowse has a nice little write up on Google AdWords Starter Edition, for the novice advertiser – which is...
Digg Scammed with Google Sun Stock Market Rumors Graywolf posts on Threadwatch about a piece on Silicon Valley Sleuth about stock traders scamming / spamming...
March Madness : NCAA Tournament & Search Engines It’s March Madness time and Yahoo & AOL are gearing up their Video Search, Search & Sports...
Vodafone Sells Japan Divison to Softbank Vodafone Group has announced that they have decided to sell off their struggling Japanese unit to Softbank Corp, the...
CenSEARCHip : Compare Censored Search Results CenSEARCHip is a tool developed by Mark Meiss and Filippo Menczer at the Indiana University School of Informatics for...
Mozilla Googlebot : Mozilla or Godzilla? Jim Trivolette of Blackwood Productions has been checking out the Mozilla Googlebot which he says is a “new Googlebot...
Building Links Too Quickly? At SEOBook Aaron Wall has been hosting SEO Q&A sessions with readers of his blog and subscribers to his eBook. One...
Competitive Link Tracking Using MSN Search Rand Fishkin was playing around with the MSN Search ‘linkdomain:’ operators and stumbled upon a quite useful competitive intelligence...
$100 Laptop + Writely + GDrive = Google’s Future? Ever since it was announced, I have been fascinated by the potential appeal of the $100... URL History an Excellent Tool has launched a rather useful URL history tool which highlights who has bookmarked sites in the past and...
AOL Streaming Vintage TV Shows AOL begins streaming free full episodes of “vintage” or “classic” (some might say euphemisms for old) TV shows here. Like...
Windows Live Safety Settings This via BetaNews; Windows Live Safety Settings will be coming out of beta by the summer of 2006; with “content filtering...
Yahoo’s Jerry Yang on Search & Social Media Over at Comparison Engines, Brian Smith has the text highlights of Gordon Hodge’s chat with Chief Yahoo!,...
Microsoft Testing Advertising Across Live Windows, MSN Spaces, and Office Live Was reading a bit of LiveSide this morning, which is becoming one of my...
Google SketchUp & The Mapping Space Race Om Malik reports on Google’s acquisition of 3-D rendering company @Last Software, which owns SketchUp. He also asks...
FeedBurner Snags Yahoo Network Products Director of Business Development FeedBurner has announced the expansion of its offices to San Francisco and an ex-Yahoo’er who has...
Performancing Metrics : Analytics for Professional Blogs Nick Wilson and the Performancing crew launched Performancing Metrics today in public beta testing and are looking for...
Amazon Storage Space Beats Google To The Punch Move over Google GSpace (rumors), here comes something meatier. Amazon Web Services is now offering an unlimited...
Yahoo Publisher Network Makes Some Upgrades Given the search and blog oriented press focusing on the content advertising arm of Yahoo Publisher Network, sometimes it’s...
Google Hacker Firefox Extension : Advanced Dork Google Hacker’s Guide’s CP has put together the Advanced Dork Firefox extension which makes it quite easy to...
Google Video Goes RSS, Looking for Feedback Google Video has announced that they are now offering RSS Feeds for Google Video users who would like...