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Your source for all things search engine optimization (SEO), including breaking news, algorithm updates, guides, strategies, tactics, tips, trends, tools, and more!
Brazil Questioning Google & Orkut Over Illegal Activity Google Brasil is in a bit of hot water due to the amount of illegal activity which...
Search Engine Optimization for Blog and RSS Feeds Stephan Spencer has made available (it’s a .ppt file) his excellent Search Engine Strategies presentation, Blog and...
eBay’s Investment in eBay has taken its high profile investments and acquisitions beyond Craigslist and Skype and over to the Along with other...
3-D Seek Doodle Search Engine Now Available for Testing with 6,000 Items in Index 3-D Seek is a joint effort of Imaginestics and the National...
Myspace Messenger Open For Beta Testing There had been some rumors on Myspace planning on launching their messenger IM service sometime soon, especially with them...
Microsoft Windows Live Search & User Control On the MSN Search Blog, General Product Manager Laura Baldwin has a rundown of the new functionality tools...
Google Office in Your Browser Does anyone remember how, less than a year ago, several commentators suggested Google was compiling a series of products that...
MySpace & Terrorists : PR Keeps Getting Worse If you’re too successful then the media starts looking closely to find your warts. MySpace joins a...
Manipulating with Spam Recently I looked at ways to manipulate a site’s Alexa Ranking. Now Rob at BusinessPundit is taking manipulation to the next...
Google’s Acquisition of Upstartle – Writely So Look out Microsoft, Google has purchased the company Upstartle. Upstartle is the maker of Writely – which is...
Why Brazil Loves Orkut! Danny Sullivan made a post today at Search Engine Watch quoting a USA Today piece on the alarming amount of Al-Qaeda...
Microsoft Origami & Google Search Results Microsoft released the plans for its Origami PC yesterday, which is lighting up the web, news, and blog search...
Feedster Expanding to Japan Blog Market Feedster has joined other blog search companies like Ask’s Bloglines and Technorati in expanding its blogging services into the...
Google Buying Writely in GDrive Plans? Google’s recent Analyst day slide show gave insight to Google’s GDrive and Lighthouse plans of hosting the world’s information...
Google’s $90 Million Click Fraud Settlement Google has apparently agreed to pay the equivialent of $90 million (Yikes!) to settle a click fraud class action....
Google Adwords Adds Demographic Targeting Google AdWords is going beyong localized, contextual, and keyword targeting to add a new demographic targeting option for its advertisers....
blinkx Pico : World’s Smallest Search Engine & Desktop Search App blinkx is working on a new desktop navigation tool dubbed Pico, which is a... Expands in France, Italy and the Netherlands launched European versions of their new search offering with France, Italia and Nederland....
Searching for Beer in Chicago : Local Search Gets Bent Talk about niche vertical search, the local vertical search engine is getting even more...
Google Supplemental Results & Big Daddy As I was running through my daily web chores today I noticed something peculiar on Big Daddy server:
Microsoft Live’s Search & Browser Experience Microsoft is busy rolling out a flurry of search-related upgrades. A dizzying array of tools and features are coming...
Online Reputation Monitoring of Positive and Negative Buzz Search has grown beyond the industrial commercial web and is now well integrated with personal publishing, blogs,...
Screenshots of Google Calendar CL2 from TechCrunch TechCrunch has screenshots of Google Calendar, aka. CL2, which is an AJAX application. Michael Arrington said that the...
LinkWizard: Spam Targeting WordPress Blogs Spam is one of those topics that gets returned to time and again. Well, I was just updating my Simple...
Google AdWords Email : Rejoin the Google Content Network I do not run many Google Adwords accounts (for myself), but in the ones that I...
MSN backtracks on timetable for beating Google in search MSN has had to do some pretty fast backpedaling due to statements from European MSN head...
Standford Daily Pulls Doorway Page Yesterday, news spread of the Stanford Daily’s repeated decision to host doorway pages. But if you check the doorway pages...
Paid search spending forecasted to hit $10 billion by 2009 This study from MarketWire; a new study from eMarketer reports that “paid search advertising spending,...
New AT&T and ‘Net Neutrality’ Some have speculated that AT&T in its new, hypothetical post-acquisition position as the nation’s dominant broadband provider might be tempted...
MSN adCenter’s Firefox, IE 7 & Safari Problems MSN adCenter opened itself up yesterday for three hours of new BETA user signups and the marketing...