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Your source for all things search engine optimization (SEO), including breaking news, algorithm updates, guides, strategies, tactics, tips, trends, tools, and more!
What Are Google AdSense Hints? Barry Schwartz at Search Engine Roundtable (and the new blogger at Search Engine Watch Blog) has a quick review on...
Google Desktop Search Across Computers & Privacy Concerns Google Desktop 3 offers a Search Across Computers function which allows for a registered Google Account user...
Eurekster and Yahoo MyWeb 2.0.2 I met with Steven Marder this morning, CEO of Eurekster. These guys were way ahead of the “social search” curve...
Lycos Responds to Rumors of Abandoning Search Jim Hedger of Stepforth SEO received this letter from Lycos in response to a story he posted on...
Google’s Page & Brin Visit Brazil Before getting into the details of Google’s visit to Brazil and their plans in this emerging technological giant, I’d...
Google Desktop Upgrades with Social Sharing Google launched an upgrade to desktop search/Sidebar. There were a number of feature enhancements (remote PC/file access, “undocking” of...
Viewing Geospecific Google AdSense From a Different Area If you are outside of the US area and you want to view AdSense ads as if...
What’s Wrong With Amazon A9 Search Engine In recent events which may become the beginning of the fall of A9 or the commencement of its...
iPod Introduces 1 GB Nano, Slashes Prices I received an iPod Nano for Christmas and it quickly became my new best friend, quickly introducing me...
Ask Jeeves Opens European Research Center Ask Jeeves has opened an European research center in Pisa, Italy as Ask Jeeves works to build upon its...
SEO Alert : Who Will John Scott & v7n Flame Next? After a big falling out with Mike Grehan, Greg Boser and other SEO’s which...
Amazon Contextual Advertising Network? Chris Beasley (Aspen) at Site Point has the scoop on a new contextual advertising service that Amazon is working on, which...
Google Talk & Contextual Ads Gmail is going to be adding new features that integrates Google Talk, Google’s instant messaging service, with Gmail, Google’s email...
GMail Integrates Google Talk’s Chat Google is integrating its Google Talk/IM functionality into GMail. It doesn’t replace Google Talk (because there’s no VoIP yet). But...
Opera to Add Bittorrent, Widgets and Other Features It has been a long wait for the users of Opera Browser but there is good news,...
Google BigDaddy Tool & Big Folks in Search Google is expected to be rolling out the BigDaddy update sometime soon and is currently running it...
Google Bans BMW for Search Spamming Matt Cutts has a hardcore spamming feature on his blog about Team Webspam at Google removing the site...
Super Bowl Commercials on Google, Yahoo & MSN Video Looking for Super Bowl commercials online is beginning to replace the old tradition of water cooler...
Google & Skype Investing in FON WiFi What is FON? No it’s not a Spanish dessert – that’s flan – although it is based in...
Free Blog Link Love Want to get some nice links for your blog from a top quality $65,000 site? Duncan at Blog Herald has just...
Candice Michelle Super Bowl GoDaddy Commercial GoDaddy’s new Super Bowl Commercial was finally approved by ABC Censors after 15 tries from the Domain Registration company....
Memorandum Founder Gabe Riviera Interviewed Don Dodge of the Microsoft Emerging Business Team has interviewed Memorandum founder Gabe Riviera. Memorandum is a nifty blog news...
Google Launches New & Improved Marissa Mayer For some odd reason today seems to be Marissa Mayer day around the web. Marissa can be seen...
Google Tags & Bookmarks : SEO Implications Google Bookmarks have entered the searchosphere via an upgraded Google Toolbar and tagging in Google Personalized Search results....
Google Click-to-Call (Pay Per Call?) & VOIP Speaking of “click-to-call,” here’s a Mercury News piece on Google’s “click-to-call” initiative. According to the article, the company...
Google AdWords Prevails Over Yahoo & MSN Says Survey According to the results of a survey of 1,200 advertisers performed by Outsell, Google’s AdWords search...
SimplyHired Job Search Engine Is Simply Fascinating A couple of days ago I met with SimplyHired. Beyond some interesting things that they were telling me...
Google Stock Drops Despite Strong Revenues Google released its forth quarter results yesterday, posting revenues of $1.919 billion for the three month period ending December...
SideStep Powering Travel SideStep and have joined forces to launch an updated travel store on Amazon. SideStep is now providing travel search services...
Yahoo Publisher Network Banning Some Accounts You can really tell a contextual advertising network is growing when their quality control personel begin to ban questionable...